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Hisoka walked Annabeth and Illumi home. The entire time. Annabeth felt herself get more and more nervous with each step she took and yet there was a smile on her face that wouldn't disappear. When they reached their home, Illumi went inside first.

"I'll pick you up later." Hisoka said to Annabeth. Annabeth nodded. Hisoka walked off to his apartment. Annabeth walked inside. When she got in, Killua was waiting for her. He had a cocky smirk on his face.

"What?" said Annabeth trying to play coy.

"You already know what. If you tell me, I'll get you your bag of pastries back." said Killua.

"I have a date with Hisoka." she said almost instantly. Killua was shocked about how fast she gave up her information just for the bag filled with candies and pastries.

"Do you-"

"First things first. Give me my bag." said Annabeth cutting him off. Killua shook his head and smiled in defeat.

"Already in your room." said Killua. Annabeth raced to her room to see if it was true. It's not that Killua is a liar. He's simply mischievous. She bursted into her room and found the bag of pastries and candies in one of her desk drawers. She looked at her doorway and saw Killua leaning against it. "Told you. Details. Now." said Killua as he shut the door behind him. Killua jumped onto Annabeth's bed. Annabeth was pulling out a few pastries for herself to eat. She tossed one to Killua.

"All he said was that he'd pick me up later tonight." said Annabeth while munching on her snacks. Killua sat there dumbfounded.

"Is that it?" asked Killua disappointedly. Annabeth nodded while happily eating her pastry.

"He gave me nothing to go on." said Annabeth as she chewed. Killua shook his head.

"Do you know what you're going to wear?" asked Killua. Annabeth blankly stared at him.

"I didn't even think about that." said Annabeth.

"You're even worse than Illumi!" yelled Killua. Annabeth continued eating her food while Killua rummaged through her closet. He pulled out a mini skirt and a tank top with a very low v-neck that would show off her cleavage. Annabeth's mother, Kikiyo Zoldyck, bought these for her much to Annabeth's dismay. "Wear these." said Killua. Annabeth's face turned extremely red.

"Are you out of your mind? That's way too short and that's way too low. It's embarrassing." said Annabeth.

"You're going on a date with Hisoka. Not to mention that it's your first ate. You should at least make a good impression." said Killua.

"Illumi!" yelled Annabeth. Killua looked at Annabeth with a look that said, 'You gotta be shitting me'. Illumi raced up the stairs.

"What is it? What's wrong?" said Illumi frantically.

"Can you help me and Kil settle something?" asked Annabeth sweetly. Illumi looked at Annabeth the same way Killua looked at her.

"Is that seriously what you called me up for?" asked Illumi as he glared at Annabeth. Annabeth smiled innocently and nodded. Illumi sighed in defeat, completely vulnerable to his sister's innocent smile. "Fine. What is it?" said Illumi in an annoying tone.

"Is that a good outfit for me to wear on my date with Hisoka tonight?" asked Annabeth as she pointed to the outfit Killua laid out for her. Illumi stared at the outfit. He picked up the skirt and put it away. He, then, pulled out a pair of pants.

"It's going to be cold out tonight. You'll be warmer if you wear pants." said Illumi matter-of-factly before walking out and leaving Annabeth there stunned. She turned around to look at Killua who was smiling smugly at her.

"Fine. I'll wear it." she said as she took the clothes and went to go shower. The more that time had passed, the more nervous Annabeth began to feel. Annabeth kept looking at the clock. She didn't know when Hisoka was going to pick her up nor did she know what he had in store for her. She was so nervous that she couldn't even eat any of her snacks. Her belly was tossing and turning. She was caught between butterflies in her belly and fear in her head. Then, there was a knock at the door. It echoed throughout the entire house. Annabeth wasn't sure whether or not to go down stairs to if her one of her brothers were going to come and get her. "Don't be a sissy, Annabeth." she thought to herself, "Go down there and go on a date." Annabeth took a deep breath and went down stairs.

Shy (Hisoka x OC) (AU)Where stories live. Discover now