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"Kalluto~" Annabeth sang, "Kalluto, breakfast is ready." Kalluto slowly opened his eyes to see his big sister hovering over him.

"Nee-san?" Kalluto yawned sleepily, "Is it time to eat?" Annabeth giggled a bit and nodded. She picked him up and carried him downstairs. "I've missed you, Nee-san," Kalluto said trying not to fall back asleep. Annabeth couldn't help out a giggle.

"I've missed you too," She said ever so sweetly, "And guess what?" Kalluto looked up at Annabeth curiously, "Nee-san has a boyfriend now. Do you want to meet him?" Kalluto nodded. Silva and Kikiyo noticed that Kalluto has something of a sixth sense when it comes to meeting new people. He can tell if they're good or bad at heart. He can also tell if they have good intentions when they speak or do things. That's one of the main reasons Kikiyo and Silva take Kalluto with them when they are away on business. Annabeth reached the kitchen where Killua, Illumi, Silva, and Kikiyo were sitting. Annabeth sat on the table with Kalluto on her lap. Kalluto yawned sleepily as he laid back against Annabeth's bosom. Annabeth looked at her mother and father before giving Kalluto a small sip of her coffee.

"Thanks, Nee-san," Kalluto whispered. Annabeth nodded as she began to eat her food. She knew Kalluto always had a hard time staying awake in the morning. He could sleep until four in the afternoon if he wanted to.

"Darling," Kikiyo said. That was always her nickname for Annabeth. "Have you invited your boyfriend, yet?" she asked.

"No, not yet. I will after breakfast." Annabeth responded.

"Ah yes. How about you Illumi?" Kikiyo asked, "Have you invited your friend, Hisoka?" Illumi looked up from his food to be met with a glare from Annabeth.

"No. I will soon." Illumi said as a subtle retaliation.

Annabeth rolled her eyes as she hugged her younger brother tightly in her arms. Annabeth couldn't wrap her head around it. As much as she wanted to, she couldn't believe Hisoka was nearly blameless in all this. Once breakfast was over, Annabeth went to Elliot's house. She knocked on his door and waited for a response.

"Maybe he didn't hear me," Annabeth thought to herself as she knocked again. Suddenly, the door swung open hitting her nose. "Oww!" she squeaked as she stumbled backward. Annabeth looked up and to see Elliot. However, it wasn't Elliot who swung the door open. Instead, stood someone else. He had short orange hair and bright blue eyes, similar to Elliot's. He had more of a slim build. His features weren't as gentle as Elliot's. They were more sharp and jagged.

"Who the hell are you?!" he yelled in a gruff voice.

"I could ask you the same thing!" Annabeth yelled in response as she looked at her hand and found spots of blood from her nose. Elliot rose from his bed upon hearing his brother's yells.

"Ugh, what the fuck is he screaming about now?" Elliot said as he looked out his window. His eyes widened upon seeing Annabeth on the ground holding her nose. "OH SHIT!!" Elliot gasped as he ran downstairs and out to the front door, ignoring the fact that he was only wearing pajama pants. He pushed past his older brother, Stephen Carpenter.

"Elliot..." Annabeth said holding her nose.

"Tiny, are you okay? Let me see," Elliot said sincerely. Shakily, Annabeth removed her hand from her nose. Elliot could see a little bit of blood running from her nose. "It's okay. It's not much. Just keep your head tilted upwards and pinch your nose." Elliot helped Annabeth help and stood protectively in front of her. "What did you do?" He asked menacingly towards Stephen.

"She kept banging on the door. How was I supposed to know she was harmless?" Stephen said seemingly innocently. Elliot glared at him.

"Elliot, who is he?" Annabeth asked peeking out from his side.

"Oh dear me," Stephen said feigning innocence and sincerity, "Is this your little girlfriend?" Stephen began approaching Annabeth. Elliot immediately put his arm out.

"He's my brother," Elliot said coldly, "Come with me. Let me get ready and we'll go." Elliot didn't give Annabeth any room for response before he dragged her inside the house rudely passing by Stephen. Annabeth turned her head to make eye contact with Stephen before Elliot dragged her upstairs to his room. Elliot shut the door behind her. "I'm so sorry he hurt you. I never wanted you to meet him." Elliot said as he began taking off his pajama pants. Annabeth felt the blood rise to her cheeks and she quickly turned around. "He wasn't supposed to come back here 'til next year," Elliot said as he turned around to see Annabeth with her back to him and her hands covering her face. He chuckled before walking up to Annabeth. "What're you doin', Tiny?" Elliot asked. Annabeth quickly turned around to see Elliot fully dressed.

"Well, you, um, were changing..." Annabeth said nervously. Elliot laughed earnestly before planting a small kiss on her lips.

"Come on. Let's get you out of here." Elliot said taking her hand and leading her out of the house.

"Hey!" Stephen yelled, "Don't you want breakfast?!"

"NO!!!" Elliot yelled in returned before slamming the door and going to the garage and putting a helmet on himself and Annabeth. He hopped on his motorcycle with Annabeth hugging him tightly from behind and sped off to a diner.

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