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"I need to talk to you," Annabeth said in a scarily calm voice. Hisoka nodded and unlocked the door to his apartment. Annabeth walked in first showing no signs of nervousness or shyness. Everything about her seemed colder.

"Her confidence is higher," Hisoka noted.

"Illumi told me what happened at the party. I wanted to apologize-" Annabeth was cut off by Hisoka pulling her into his chest.

"It's okay. I'm sorry I didn't keep my guard up around her. I hadn't expected her to take it that far. It's okay. I'll make sure she never bothers us again." Hisoka said holding her tightly.

"I not coming back to you," Annabeth said coldly, "I came to apologize. I'm sorry but my feelings for you are gone," Annabeth didn't give Hisoka any sort of room for response before pushing herself off of him and leaving his apartment. Annabeth hurried down the street back to her house. Without skipping a beat, she walked through the doors and went straight to herroom where she plopped in the bed next to Illumi. Her heart was pounding in her chest. She had forgotten the fiery feeling she'd get in Hisoka's arms.

"How'd it go?" Illumi asked.

"Great!" Annabeth nervously squeaked as she buried her face in her pillow, "Glad it's done and over with!" Illumi cocked and eyebrow at Annabeth's obviously flustered state.

Hisoka slumped on the couch. He couldn't believe that he and Annabeth were completely over. This felt worse than at any other time a girl was done with him.

"I refuse to accept this," Hisoka muttered to himself, "The idiot has some sort of secret. What the hell could possibly be his problem?" The sound of knocking on his door ripped Hisoka from his thoughts. He stood up and went to answer the door.

"We have a problem with one of the houses," Machi said as she entered Hisoka's apartment, "We lost control over the dubson house." Hisoka scoffed at Machi.

"Dubson? That's not my problem," Hisoka laughed.

"The boss is sending the Carpenters to handle it all," Machi said. The name rang a bell in Hisoka's mind.

"As is Elliot Carpenter?" Hisoka asked. Machi nodded.

"And his brother Stephen." Machi added.

"Since did they get involved with us?" Hisoka asked.

"Since before you joined. Anyway, Boss wants you to oversee it all," Machi said before leaving. Hisoka felt as if he hit a breakthrough. Hisoka smiled evilly.

"What am I expected to overlook?" Hisoka asked so he knew what to expect.

"Anyone who puts up a fight, dies. It's that simple. If they don't fight, they don't die." Machi said easily before leaving Hisoka's apartment. When the door shut behind Machi, Hisoka couldn't help but laugh.

"I wish I knew sooner that Elliot was in the same world as me. Looks like I have a new way of handling this." Hisoka said to himself before dropping joyfully on his couch.

There was a knock on the door of the Carpenter house. Stephen opened the door and recognized Machi instantly.

"Hey, Pinky! Haven't seen you in a while. Still with Lucilfer?" Stephen asked flirtatiously as she looked up and down Machi's body. Machi rolled her eyes carelessly.

"Don't be vulgar," Machi shot back, "I'm just here to tell you to go to the Dubson house tomorrow night. Hisoka will be overseeing the whole thing. If you or your brother get out of hand, Chrollo will end you both." Machi was quick to turn on her heel. It's not that she was afraid of Stephen. She could handle her own against him. However, she didn't want to risk angering him. He's a very dangerous man. Especially, if he were to get protective over his little brother. Stephen scoffed at Machi and slammed the door behind her.

"Hey, El!" Stephen yelled.

"What do you want?" Elliot yawned, "I was taking a nap."

"We're leaving to the dubson house tomorrow night," Stephen said casually. Elliot's eyes widened.

"Tomorrow night?" Elliot asked to make sure and hope he heard wrong.

"Yup," Stephen said popping his lips. Elliot felt his heart dropped into his stomach, "Pinky also said some guy was going to oversee the whole thing."

"Who?" Elliot asked curiously expecting it to be Phinks or Feitan like usual.

"I think she said Hisoka," Stephen said without much effort.

"Aw damn..." Elliot muttered to himself as realized the heap of shit he just landed in.

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