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"You're just as evil as I am. It turns me on," Stephen cooed. Kara giggled as she took Stephen's hand and jogged upstairs. Kara and Stephen were a pair that shared the same twisted mind. The kind that enjoyed wrecking other's lives to please themselves. A pair truly made from hell. They were bound to each other by their lust and their unspoken love for each other. This wasn't the kind of love that made your belly fill with butterflies or make your heart flutter sweetly. This kind of love was steamy. Born from lust that grew rapidly. There was no jealousy between the two. In fact, there was an abundance of freedom in their relationship. They could do whatever to whoever they wanted to without any fear of consequence from the other person. The only promise they have is to always come back to each other.

Kara pulled Stephen into his room. In a mix of huffs and panting, clothes were flying around the room before the diabolical couple fell onto the bed. Their bodies in heat and their breaths steaming each other's skin. They ravished each other. Kara whimpering under Stephen's touch. Her body was burning from all the hickies on her breasts, neck, and belly. Stephen's back was littered with scratches from Kara's nails. Their tongues intertwined with each other as Stephen's dick pumps in and out of Kara. Their moans filled the room.

"That girl you hate so much," Stephen huffed, "She's dating my little brother."

"I knew he liked her. God, she's such a little bitch," Kara said through her moans.

"With big tits," Stephen added as he imagined making Annabeth writhe underneath him. Kara notice Stephen drifts into his mind. She took the opportunity to flip him and begin riding him.

"Now why dream about her when you have me in front of you. I'm the one who knows how to please you," Kara said as she began moving her hips back and forth, gradually going faster. Stephen threw his head back. His mouth agape only releasing broken moans. In a final moan, Stephen arched his back and released it into Kara. Kara laid beside Stephen.

When your brother found out I was bothering Annab-bitch, he almost beat me up," Kara said as she rolled over to lay her head on Stephen's chest. Stephen rolled his eyes.

"He's such a punk. Don't worry. I know how to teach him a lesson," Stephen said smirking down at Kara who had her own devious smirk.

"I'm going to shower. After that, I'll take the test," Kara said gathering her clothes and walking to the shower. Stephen stayed in bed. His mind wandered to Annabeth. He remembered the fire she had in her eyes when he hit her nose with the door. He let out a dry chuckle.

"I think the guys would like to meet. It'll also be a good way to teach that jackass a lesson 'bout messing with my girl," Stephen said menacingly to himself. Stephen heard Elliot pull his motorcycle into the garage. Stephen put a pair of pants on and decided to greet his little brother. Stephen opened the garage door to see Elliot taking his helmet off. "Hey, dickhead. I got a bone to pick with you," Stephen said angrily. Elliot rolled his eyes and continued to go about his business.

"Eat shit," Elliot spat. Stephen didn't appreciate Elliot's remark. Stephen marched to Elliot and grabbed him but his shirt and slammed Elliot into the wall.

"I never wanna hear you screwed with Kara, you understand?" Stephen said as his nostrils flared. Elliot pushed Stephen off of him.

"If she didn't act like such a bitch towards my girlfriend, I wouldn't have done it." Elliot shot.

"This is your only warning. I'm not afraid to hurt you or that little girlfriend of yours," Stephen hissed before leaving Elliot in the garage. 

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