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Annabeth walked into her home. She found herself getting nervous about the dinner for the following night. She was almost scared to deal with Hisoka. She knows he won't hesitate to try talking to her again. Before Annabeth could make it all the way up the stairs, Illumi walked inside the house.

"Anne, I need to talk to you," Illumi said ready to do battle with his twin sister. Annabeth's head dropped.

"About Hisoka?" Annabeth asked refusing to face Illumi.

"Come on, Anne. He's never tried this hard to apologize to anyone." Illumi sighed and began walking up the stairs, "Let's at least talk in your room." Annabeth nodded and walked up the stairs after Illumi. She followed Illumi into her room and shut the door behind her.

"You have five minutes," Annabeth said sternly.

"The hell I do. Until mom and dad leave, this is my room too." Illumi shot back. Annabeth rolled her eyes irritatingly.

"Hurry up," She hissed.

"Kara Yuki," Illumi said without wasting a second. Annabeth felt her stomach turn at the mention of Kara. Annabeth hadn't been bothered by Kara since she began dating Elliot. "You remember that party at Elliot's? Hisoka claims she gave him a spiked drink when he went to the bathroom." Annabeth felt something click in her mind.

"On his way to the bathroom?" Annabeth asked. Illumi nodded. He studied his sister's gaze. She was fixated on something. A memory.

"Why?" Illumi asked, curious to know what his little twin sister was thinking about.

"That's why he acted like that...." Annabeth muttered to herself.

"Anne, what are you talking about?" Illumi said as he stood up from her bed and walked towards her. "Did he do something to you?"

"No. I went to find him after he left to go to the bathroom. When I did, he was acting strange. I just thought he was hammered so I left him alone. That's when Elliot took me home." Annabeth said leaving out the fact that Hisoka scared the hell out of her by his sordid actions. Illumi wasn't sure whether or not to believe her.

"Are you sure? He didn't hurt you or try anything with you?" Illumi said with murderous intent oozing from his body.

"I'm sure," Annabeth responded easily. Illumi let go of his malintent.

"If she can respond that easily, then she should be fine. She's a horrible liar." Illumi thought to himself as he analyzed his sister. Annabeth sat on the bed trying to process the fact that all her heartache over Hisoka wasn't his fault.

"So it was Kara, huh," Annabeth said finally speaking. Illumi wasn't sure what to make of her tone. She was unusually calm. He couldn't tell if she was angry or sad. There was a fiery look in her eyes.

"Yeah. What are you going to do?" Illumi asked. Annabeth let out a small chuckle that turned into a burst of full-blown laughter. For the first time in years, Illumi felt real fear for his sister.

"I am an awful person. I acted like such a bitch towards him and it wasn't even his fault," Annabeth said as she continued to laugh. Tears filled her eyes and spilled out as she continued to laugh at herself. Illumi wasn't sure how to comfort his sister or if he should.

"Anne, this wasn't your fault. Kara has been targeting you since you started high school," Illumi said trying to keep his sister sane. Annabeth's laughter died. She wiped her eyes from her tears and sighed to regain herself.

"I'll be back," Annabeth said as she walked towards her door.

"Where are you going?" Illumi asked worriedly.

"I'm going to go apologize," Annabeth said.

"Are you going to break up with Elliot?" Illumi asked. Annabeth froze for a second. She knew she was going to have to explain all of this to Elliot too.

"No. I've moved on. I'm just trying to do the right thing." Annabeth said as she left her room. She knows where Hisoka lives. It wasn't very far from her home. A five-minute walk at the most. When she reached the apartments where Hisoka lived, she felt herself freeze. She could feel her bones shaking inside her skin. Apart of her wanted to turn around and go back to the comfort of her room. "Don't be a chicken. You have to do this," Annabeth said to herself. She walked up the stairs to Hisoka's floor. She stopped in front of his door. She hesitatingly knocked on his door. In the deepest regions of her heart, she hoped he wasn't home. When she heard no movement in the apartment, she knocked again. After getting no response, she sighed in relief and turned to go back down the stairs when she froze once more. Hisoka was standing at the bottom of the steps. They stared in shock at each other. Annabeth didn't even know how to start with him.

"I need to talk to you," Annabeth said in a scarily calm voice.

Shy (Hisoka x OC) (AU)Where stories live. Discover now