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Hisoka's phone beeped as he was walking back home. He pulled his phone out to check it. He felt a smile grow onto his face.  He knew it was Annabeth. He could feel her shyness emitting from the phone.

H: Hi Annie~. I stopped by your house earlier. I wanted to see you but Illumi said you were sleeping and wouldn't let me up to see you :<

A: He told me you stopped by. Thank you for the giant bag of sweets. How did you know which ones to get?

H: I went to the convenience store with you and Illumi a few times. I remember you getting troubled over which ones to pick. ^-^

A: Thank you, Hisoka-kun. No one has ever been nice to me like you have.

H: Your welcome, Annie-chan~ :D

"Anne, breakfast is ready." said Illumi as he poked his head inside Annabeth's room, "Do you need help getting up?" he asked a bit worriedly. Annabeth slowly push herself out of bed. Her legs were a bit wobbly at first. She weebled and wobbled a little bit.

"I think I'm okay." Annabeth said, "When can I take off the bandages?"

"We'll change them after breakfast." said Illumi. Annabeth nodded and followed Illumi down stairs. She sat down with Killua and Illumi. While Annabeth, Killua and Illumi were eating, there was another knock at the door. Illumi went to answer the door. When he opened the door, he saw Pakunoda standing on his porch. Illumi felt his face turn red. Killua could see the blush on his face.

"Sorry to show up unannounced. I was worried about Annabeth. Is it alright if I see her?" asked Pakunoda with a worried look on her face.

"Sure " Illumi said Softly as he moved out of the way to let Paku in.

"H-hi, Paku." Annabeth said softly.

"Hey there, deary." Pakunoda said. She turned her attention to Killua, "Who's this darling thing?"

"That's my younger brother Killua." said Annabeth.

"Hi. You must be Onee-san's new friend." said Killua trying to act cute and innocent.

"Onee-san?" Annabeth and Illumi thought simultaneously. Pakunoda couldn't help herself once more.

"You really have the cutest siblings, Illumi." said Paku as she hugged Killua in the same manner that she hugged Annabeth. Killua had an evil smirk on his face as he stared at Illumi. Pakunoda let Killua go and walked over to Annabeth. Illumi was glaring at Killua. Killua already knew he was in for it bad. Killua bolted up stairs with Illumi hot on his trail, leaving Pakunoda and Annabeth alone in the dining room.

"How are you feeling, Annie-san?" asked Paku as she gently rubbed Annabeth's head, "I must say everyone else was a bit worried too when I told them what happened."

"Who?" Annabeth asked curiously.

"The rest of the group, of course. Machi, Shizuku, Chrollo, Shalnark, Uvogin, Nobunaga, Phinks, and Feitan." said Paku with a smile on her face, "They'll be glad to know that your okay. We all know you're a bit shy so I volunteered to visit you so you're not overwhelmed." Annabeth blushed a bit.

"Thank you, Pakunoda. I should be back at school soon." said Annabeth. Suddenly, Pakunoda's smile drops. Annabeth notices and feel a little scared.

"We all want to help you." said Paku as she places her hand gently over Annabeth's, "Who pushed you?" Annabeth looked away. "Don't protect him/her. Please tell me. I can help." Pakunoda looked at Annabeth with pleading eyes. Annabeth sighed.

"A girl in my class," said Annabeth softly, "Her name is Kara Yuki." Pakunoda's eyes widened, then narrowed.

"I see." said Pakunoda. She smiled again like before and gently rubbed Annabeth's head, "I'll give you my number so if you ever want to talk, you can call or text me." said Pakunoda as she handed Annabeth a slip of paper with her number on it. Illumi and Killua walked back down stairs.

"Are you leaving?" asked Illumi.

"Yeah..... Oh, that new marvel movie is playing later tonight. Would you like to come see it with me, Illumi?" asked Pakunoda. Illumi couldn't find any words to speak. Instead, he nodded. Paku smiled. "Meet me at the theaters at five. I gave Annie my number. You can get it from her." said Pakunoda. When Pakunoda shut the door behind her, Illumi felt himself blush. Illumi walked over to the living room and face planted onto the couch. Annabeth and Killua ran over to him.

"Illu, are you okay?" asked Annabeth, "Why is your face so red?"

"Sis, you're really dense." said Killua. Annabeth looked at Killua curiously. "He has a giant crush on Paku!" yelled Killua.

"Oh~" said Annabeth, "Don't blame me I have a concussion remember." Suddenly, Illumi propped himself up as if he remembered something important.

"I can't go. I have to take care of you." said Illumi. Annabeth smiled.

"Don't worry about me. You're always looking out for me. Go out with Paku and have a good time." said Annabeth as she smiled, "Killua can help me."

"Yeah." agreed Killua. Illumi smiled and hugged Annabeth.

"Thank you." he said. He looked at Killua and ruffled his hair, "Let's go change your bandages." Annabeth followed Illumi to the bathroom.

Shy (Hisoka x OC) (AU)Where stories live. Discover now