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Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. Annabeth went to open the door. Her eyes widened in shock.

"Hey Anna-bitch." said Kara. Killua was in the kitchen and he head what Kara said. He quickly ran to the door to defend his older sister.

"What the hell did you call my sister?!" yelled Killua as he stood in front of Annabeth.

"Calm down, short stuff. I just want to make sure your ugly ass sister knows to stay away from my Hisoka." said Kara as she looked at Annabeth. Annabeth looked down shyly and gripped her arm. She could feel the tears welling up in her eyes. Kara and Killua could see them. "Hmph. I guess that answers my question." said Kara as she was about to walk away. Killua couldn't stand it to see someone making his sister cry.

"You bitch. No wonder Hisoka dumped your psychotic ass!" yelled Killua. Kara turned around and walked back to the house menacingly. She raised her hand to slap him but Annabeth stepped in between them and took the hit. Killua stood there in shock. Annabeth's head was turned and her cheek was red. Annabeth slowly turned her head to face Kara. Annabeth had a deathly look in her eye that made Kara take a step back.

"I don't care if you hurt me but you don't ever hurt my baby brother!" yelled Annabeth before punching Kara so hard that she flew back five or six feet. Annabeth slammed the door shut. Then, she leaned against the door and slid down to the floor. She was completely out of breath. Her energy was nearly gone. Her heart was going a million miles an hour.

"Anne!" yelled Killua worriedly as he ran up to Annabeth, "Oh my god. I can't believe you did that. You were amazing!" Killua's eyes lit up in utter amazement.

"I can't believe I did that. She's going to kill me." Annabeth muttered nervously.

"Why the hell would she? You just socked the crap out of her. I doubt she'll mess with you again!" said Killua with a giant grin on his face. Illumi opened the door to see Annabeth on the floor all balled up with Killua beside her.

"What happened?" asked Illumi as he bent down to see if Annabeth is okay. He noticed the red mark on her cheek. "Who the fuck did this to you?" said Illumi in a threatening tone.

"You wouldn't believe what just happened!" said Killua excitedly, "That Kara Yuki bitch came by and tried to bully Anne into staying away from Hisoka. I stood up for Anne and Kara tried to slap me. Then, Annabeth got slapped instead. Then, she punched the crap out of that bitch, Kara. She flew five feet away from where she was standing. I wouldn't believe it if I hadn't witnessed it." said Killua excitedly, "Our sister was a total badass!" Illumi had a look of disbelief on his face. He turned to Annabeth for confirmation. She nodded with a shy smile on her face. Illumi hugged his sister.

"I'm proud that you stood up for yourself and Killua. Let's get you some ice for your cheek." said Illumi as he took Annabeth's hand and led her to the kitchen. Killua was still hyper from his sister's 'awakening' as he likes to call it. He even imitated everything for Illumi. He remembered every detail of every second. Annabeth's face turned as red as a tomato when Killua used her line, word for word, about Kara hurting Kil.

"I can't believe I said that. I sound so cheesy." said Annabeth as she covered her face with a pillow. Illumi laughed a bit. He looked at the time and realized it was almost five.

"Shit, I gotta get going. Proud of you sis. You too, Kill. You stood up for your sister. Behave. Kil, make sure Anne eats and gets to bed okay. She still has a concussion." said Illumi as he got his stuff and left for his date. Annabeth and Killua nodded.

"I'll order the pizza. Is it alright if I invite a friend from school?" asked Killua.

"Sure." replied Annabeth as she began picking out movies to watch. Soon, there was a knock on the door. "Must be Kil's friend." Annabeth thought to herself as she opened the door to see a smol boy with black and green, spiky hair.

"Hello, I'm Gon Freecs. I'm Killua's friend." he said.

"Hi. I'm his older sister, Annabeth Zoldyck." replied Annabeth shyly. Killua ran up to the door excitedly.

"Hey Gon! Come in. We've got pizza on it's way and we're going to watch a bunch of horror movies!" said Killua. Gon followed Killua excitedly into the house. Annabeth smiled closed the door. She felt happy that her little brother made a friend. It's not that he's shy. He's more of a recluse.

"He must be special if Kil was able to warm up to him." Annabeth thought to herself. The pizza came and they began watching a horror movie. "W-why did you pick this one, Kil?" said Annabeth as she fearfully peeked over the pillow to see the movie.

"Because the one you picked was boring." replied Kil. Gon laughed a bit. When they finished the movie and the pizza, Gon left and went back home.

"Don't make me watch another horror movie again!" yelled Annabeth as soon as Gon left. Killua couldn't contain his laughter.

"Your face was priceless! Especially when the ghost took the baby." said Killua as he continued laughing. Annabeth looked at the time.

"It's seven. What do you want to do?" asked Annabeth as she sighed in defeat.

"I don't know about you but I'm tired from all the excitement." said Killua,

"I'm going to shower then hang out in my room for a while." Annabeth nodded. She began picking up the plates and the two empty pizza boxes. She washed a few dishes and went up to her room. She went to the bag of sweets that Hisoka got her and began munching on a pastry. She grabbed her phone and began to text Hisoka.

A: Hi Hisoka-kun.

Hisoka heard his phone go off. He turned it on and saw that Annabeth had texted him.

H: Hello Annie-chan. How's your head? ^_^

A: It's better. I took off the bandages today. I don't have to wear them anymore. The spot where I hit my head still hurts a bit.

H: My poor Annie-chan. If you're up to it, can you help me with my math? I'm afraid I'm no good. :(

A: Sure, Hisoka-kun. If you can, can you stop by tomorrow? Is that okay? Sorry Illumi wants me to stay home until I'm healed.

H: That'll be just fine. :D

A: Hisoka-kun, can I ask you something? Am I ugly?

H: I think Annie-chan is very cute. Did someone call you ugly? Should I beat them up? >:(

A: No...It was just a passing thought. That's all.

H: You're not cute. You're very beautiful. Anyone who thinks otherwise can suck my dick. :) :P

For some odd reason, Annabeth felt her heart flutter a bit when Hisoka told her he thought she was beautiful. Her cheeks turned to a rosy shade. Her heart began to race.

"What's this feeling?" Annabeth thought to herself.

A: Thank you Hisoka-kun.

H: You're welcome, Annie-chan. I'll see you tomorrow. Good night. <3

A: Gnite Hisoka-kun.

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