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Annabeth woke up shortly after in an empty house. She went to Illumi's room to see if he made it home. It was empty. She check her phone. She got a text from Elliot.

E: Hey tiny. Your brother is fine. He's crashing on my couch.

Annabeth checked the time stamp. It was sent late last night. Long after she went to sleep. She didn't get anything from Killua or Hisoka. She wasn't sure if she should text Hisoka or not. She never saw him like that before.

"I'll see if he texts me." said Annabeth as she threw her phone on the bed and went to go take a shower. When Annabeth got out, she dressed herself and went downstairs to make breakfast. She heard the door unlock.

"I'm home!" Killua yelled.

"I'm in the kitchen!" Annabeth yelled back. Killua threw his stuff on the couch and walked into the kitchen. "How was it?" asked Annabeth with a bit of a forced smile. Killua looked up at his sister. He wasn't sure if it was a fake smile or not.

"It was fun. Me and Gon were up most of the night playing video games. His grandma and aunt, Mito, are super nice. They were really happy when they found out Gon made a friend." said Killua happily. Annabeth turned around with two plates with eggs and bacon.

"Did you eat breakfast over there?" asked Annabeth before setting a plate in front of Killua.

"I can still eat!" said Killua happily. Killua has always loved his sister's cooking. Killua quickly ate his breakfast before going upstairs to shower. Annabeth was left alone in the kitchen to clean the dishes. Annabeth was thinking about Illumi. She was rather worried about him. She hadn't heard from him yet.

"He's always the first one up." Annabeth thought to herself, "Elliot said that Illu was asleep on his couch. I'm sure he'll be fine." Annabeth was ripped from her thoughts when there was a banging on the door. Annabeth slowly approached the door, fearful that Kara Yuki was standing on the other side.

"Annabeth!" she heard someone yell. Annabeth instantly recognized Hisoka's voice. "Annabeth please open the door!"

"He sounds so scared." Annabeth thought to herself. She never heard him sound like that before. She quickly opened the door. Hisoka instantly hugged Annabeth tightly.

"I'm so sorry about last night. I didn't mean to hurt you, I promise. Please forgive me. I won't ever hurt you again." said Hisoka frantically while holding Annabeth in his arms. He felt a bit surprised to feel her arms slowly wrap around him.

"It's ok. You scared me more than anything." said Annabeth. Hisoka looked down at her in a bit of shock. "I've never seen you like that before. You didn't hurt me just scared me. I didn't know how to react."

"What did I do?" asked Hisoka as he let go of Annabeth and peered confusedly into her face.

"You forcefully kissed me and began kissing my neck." said Annabeth a bit confusedly, "You wouldn't get off of me. Elliot found us and he punched you. He took me home right after."

"I didn't take you upstairs?" asked Hisoka worriedly. Annabeth slowly shook her head.

"You were really drunk last night. You probably wandered up there to sleep." said Annabeth. Hisoka felt a wave of relief wash over him.

"Thank God I didn't hurt her." Hisoka thought to himself. Once he relaxed, he felt the pounding in his head. He could feel whatever contents in his stomach make its way upwards

"Are you hungry?" asked Annabeth, "There's still some left over-" Annabeth was instantly cut off by Hisoka running upstairs to the bathroom. Annabeth, then, heard Killua yell. She watched in amazement as Killua ran downstairs.

"Why the hell is Hisoka here? He burst into the bathroom while I was taking a shower and began throwing up." said Killua. He put his hand on his bare chest. His heart was racing from the scare.

"Sorry, Kil. He stopped by all of a sudden. I was about to ask if he was hungry, but he ran upstairs to the bathroom as if his life depended on it." said Annabeth, "I'll go check on him and I'll get him out here so you can finish showering." Annabeth approached the bathroom. Hisoka was sweaty and laying on the tile floor. Annabeth kneeled next to him and poked his cheek. "Are you still alive?" asked Annabeth.

"Regrettably." Hisoka replied jokingly with a smile on his face.

"Come on. I'll help you downstairs so you can sleep this off." said Annabeth. She helped Hisoka up and let him lean on her for support so she could get him to the couch. Once Hisoka laid on the couch, Killua went back upstairs and Annabeth got him a cold rag to put over his forehead.

"Is it too soon to say I love you?" asked Hisoka. Annabeth felt her cheeks grow red and a sweet smile form on her face.

"It's ok. I love you too." she said happily. Annabeth kissed his cheek. He fell asleep shortly after. About an hour later, Illumi walked through the doors. Annabeth and Killua were watching tv. Illumi was about to sit on the couch when he saw Hisoka lying on the couch asleep.

"Why is he everywhere I don't want him to be?" Illumi asking annoyingly. Annabeth and Killua exchanged looks before laughing.

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