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 Hisoka opened the car door for Annabeth and she followed Hisoka to his apartment. He unlocked the door and opened it for her. Annabeth walked inside Hisoka's apartment. She wasn't sure what to expect. It all seemed pretty normal. The living room was connected to the kitchen with no wall to differentiate the two rooms. Hisoka closed the door behind himself and Annabeth. "Follow me." said Hisoka with his usual grin. Annabeth followed Hisoka to the living room. He left her on the couch. He pulled out a horror movie.

"Oh God." Annabeth thought to herself, "Why you do this to me?" She watched as Hisoka inserted the DVD into the player and turned off the lights before he sat next to her. He could see the nervous look on her face.

"Are you okay?" asked Hisoka as he smirked, "Are you scared?"

"N-no!" she responded rather quickly. She clutched onto the sweater that Hisoka gave her to wear. Hisoka chuckled a bit and played the movie. He studied Annabeth's reactions throughout the entire film. She tried to control her reactions but struggled to do so. During the movie, Hisoka slowly moved closer to Annabeth. Annabeth didn't even notice that their shoulders were touching. She was more captivated with the movie. When there was a jump scare, Annabeth squeaked and reflexively grabbed Hisoka. "S-sorry." she said shyly as she let go. She pulled the hood over her face out of embarrassment and held it. Hisoka smiled and wrapped his arm around her, pulling her close to his chest.

"You could've just said you were scared." said Hisoka.

"I'm okay." said Annabeth through the hood. Hisoka smirked a bit smugly.

"Then, I guess you wouldn't mind if I put on another horror movie." he said teasingly.

"Please no." said Annabeth as she poked out of the hood. Hisoka chuckled a bit. Another jumpscare in the movie made Annabeth react. She buried her face in Hisoka's chest. He couldn't help but like holding her like this. He chuckled a bit.

"If you want, I could turn it off." he said as he tried not to laugh.

"It's okay." said Annabeth into his chest. He couldn't but let a little laugh out.

"Okay then~" said Hisoka as he smirked. He tightened his grip around her. Annabeth looked up at Hisoka. He meet her shy gaze emitting from her soft, huge, grey eyes. The movie was no longer audible to either of them. Time ceased to move. A blush filled Annabeth's face as Hisoka leaned in to her. He connected his lips to hers. Her lips felt soft against his. Annabeth wrapped her arms around Hisoka's neck and Hisoka pulled her closer to him. When they pulled away, Hisoka looked at Annabeth. Her entire face was red from a bit of embarrassment. She hid her face in Hisoka's chest so he couldn't see her. Hisoka hugged her tightly. "You're mine now. No one else can have you." said Hisoka. Annabeth felt herself smile sweetly.

"I think I'm okay with that." she said softly in his chest. Hisoka felt himself smile. Soon, Hisoka took Annabeth home. He walked her to the door. Annabeth was looking down at the ground shyly. "Thank you for tonight." said Annabeth. She looked up at Hisoka and gave him a sweet close-eyed smile. "I had fun." Hisoka smiled down at her. Her smile had him captivated. He wanted to see her smile like that more often.

"I did too. You can keep my sweater." he said as returned the smile. Hisoka leaned down and gave her another kiss before leaving her at her doorstep and driving back home. Annabeth looked down at her phone and realized it was ten at night. Annabeth unlocked her door and poked her head inside. She didn't see her brothers anywhere in the living room. She quietly shut the door and walked up stairs to her room. When she opened the door, she saw Illumi and Killua waiting inside. Killua smiled evilly.

"Details. Now." said Killua.

"Where did you get the sweater from? You didn't leave with that?" asked Illumi. Annabeth felt her face turn red when she thought about the kiss.

"Well, we went to the theaters but they had a cappy movie selection so we went back to his place. He put on a horror movie. Then, we... we kissed." Annabeth looked up at her brothers. Killua was smirking. Illumi had his usual blank face.

"Where did you get the sweater from though?" asked Illumi.

"Oh, when we pulled up the the theaters, I was feeling self conscious about the shirt I was wearing," said Annabeth while giving a slight glare to Killua, "He took off his sweater and let me wear it. When I got back home, he said I could keep it. So why are you guys in my room?" Illumi and Killua looked at each other.

"We didn't want to miss you." said Illumi, "Did he do something you didn't like?" Illumi had an evil tint in his eyes. Annabeth smiled and shook her head.

"No. He was really nice." said Annabeth as she yawned, "Can you guys leave now? I'm tired and I still have school tomorrow."

"Sure." said Illumi as he and Kil began walking out of Annabeth's room.

"Good night, Anne." said Kil.

"Night." Annabeth responded. Annabeth shut the door behind her brothers and plopped onto her bed. She was still wearing Hisoka's sweater and her date clothes. She was so tired. She didn't even change. She replayed the entire night in her mind before happily falling asleep.

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