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When she reached the bottom of the stairs, Hisoka was there waiting for her. His face turned red when he saw the shirt she was wearing. Annabeth's face was red for the same reason. Illumi and Killua were standing behind Annabeth with evil and menacing auras while staring at Hisoka.

"I know they're protective but isn't that a little much?" Hisoka thought to himself as he sweatdropped. Hisoka held out his arm to Annabeth. "Ready to go?" he asked while wearing a gentlemanly smile on his face. Annabeth nervously reached out to Hisoka's arm and took hold of it. Hisoka led Annabeth to his car that was parked right in front of her house and opened the door for her to get in. Annabeth buckled her seatbelt and waited for Hisoka to get in. Annabeth felt herself get herself getting nervous all over again. Hisoka got in the care and looked at Annabeth. "She's nervous." He thought to himself, "How the hell did that gorilla get her so at ease around him?" Hisoka started the car and began to drive off. It was a very awkward and tense drive. Most of it was emitting from Annabeth. She felt embarrassed about her chest size as they bulged out of her top. Her cleavage peeking out of the v-neck Killua chose for her. Her arms were folded over her chest to try hiding it. Hisoka finally noticed why she was so nervous. "Now I get it." Hisoka thought to himself as he smiled. "Annabeth," Hisoka aloud. She nervously turned her attention towards him. "I didn't get the chance to say this sooner but you looked beautiful." he said with a genuine smile on his face. Annabeth's face turned red. A genuine smile formed on her face. She slowly put her arms down.

"Thank you, Hisoka." said Annabeth happily. The tension in the car was lighter. Hisoka looked over at Annabeth and noticed that she still had her happy smile. He loved seeing her smile. In his eyes, that just made her all the more beautiful. The sun was setting. The orange glow began shining onto Annabeth, making her hair and eyes glow. Hisoka parked in the parking lot of a movie theater. He opened the door for Annabeth. She began to cover her chest again. Hisoka smiled to himself. He took off his sweater and put it over Annabeth's shoulders. It was terribly big to Annabeth. The sleeves were baggy on her and the sweater went down to her lower thigh.

"You wear it. I know you're uncomfortable." said Hisoka as he playfully winked at Annabeth. Annabeth put her arms through the sleeves and zipped it up. Her face was still a bit red. Not from her attire. This time it was because of the jacket. It had his scent on it. She loved it. She loved how it was way too baggy on her. She loved the how soft it felt on her skin. More than anything, she loved that he gave it to her so she wouldn't feel nervous.

"Thank you." she said softly. She took is hand and pulled him down. She connected her lips to his cheek, giving him a small peck. Hisoka's face turned red. Annabeth began walking ahead of him. "Come on!" she yelled playfully as she ran to the theater. Hisoka chased after her. Once he caught up, he hugged her from behind. Annabeth couldn't help but laugh. She looked up at Hisoka with the happiest smile she has ever made. It wasn't forced. In that moment, she was truly happy. They began holding hands as they walked into the theater. When Hisoka and Annabeth got to the theater, they both went up to the desk clerk to see what movies were playing. Both Hisoka and Annabeth didn't care for the movie selection. Hisoka took Annabeth's hand.

"Come with me. I have a better idea." said Hisoka. Annabeth followed behind him back to his car. He opened the car door for her before getting in on his side. Annabeth climbed into the car and they drove off. Annabeth was curiously looking around to try and guess where he was taking her. Hisoka loved seeing the curiosity and excitement in her eyes. Hisoka drove to his apartment. Annabeth looked at the building curiously. She had never been to Hisoka's apartment before. This was definitely a first.

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