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A couple hours had passed. Annabeth was asleep on Elliot's couch. It was still bright out. It was about five in the afternoon. The tv was off. There was an empty box of pizza on the coffee table. Two soda cans along with two plates. One with a half eaten slice of pizza and the other filled with grease from the pizza and a crumpled up napkin. Elliot draped a blanket over Annabeth. Her eyes were no longer red but they were still puffy. There were lines going down her cheeks from where her tears flowed. Elliot gazed at her with a saddened look on his face. He sat on the ground in front of Annabeth. He lightly grazed her cheek with his index finger.

"You don't deserve any of this." Elliot whispered, "Not the beatings, not the sadness, not the dirtbag of a boyfriend..... Or ex-boyfriend, I should say." Annabeth stirred a little. Elliot thought she was waking up and flung himself onto a chair that was far from the couch. Annabeth stayed asleep.

"Hi-soka." she mumbled as another tear fell from her face. Elliot went back to where he was sitting and wiped her tear away.

"You son of a bitch. She loved you more than anything. You completely destroyed her. I can't wait until I get my hands on you." Elliot thought to himself. He softly cupped her cheek. To his surprise, no more tears fell from her eyes. "You're so much more beautiful when you smile. I hope you'll always remember that." Elliot whispered. He looked at Annabeth's sleeping face. Her lips were slightly parted. Her cheeks had a hint of redness in them. Elliot slowly leaned towards her. He gave her a light kiss on her lips. "You'll probably never remember this but I'm gonna say it anyway. I love you Annabeth Zoldyck. I hope that one day, you'll come to love me too. I'm gonna wait until you say it back to me." Elliot looked at her eyes. They were no longer puffy. "It's time for you to wake up." Elliot lightly shook Annabeth. "Tiny, it's time to wake up. I gotta get you home." Annabeth groaned a bit.

"Elliot? What time is it?" she asked groggily.

"A little after five. How are you feeling?" he replied.

"A little better. Are my eyes puffy?" she asked.

"They're beautiful." Elliot muttered quietly.


"They're not puffy." he said louder, "Come on. I should get you home before your brother tries to kill me." Elliot had a bit of a sad smile on his face before walking to his motorcycle that was parked outside. Annabeth lightly traced her fingers along her lips.

"I'm sorry but it's too soon for me to say that to anyone else." she thought to herself as she stood up and followed Elliot outside. She climbed on the motorcycle. Elliot put his helmet on Annabeth and climbed on. Annabeth lightly wrapped her arms around him and he began to drive off.

Shy (Hisoka x OC) (AU)Where stories live. Discover now