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"How are you feeling, Illu?" asked Annabeth, "I haven't seen you since last night."

"Sorry about that, Anne. I got drunk then I passed out. When I woke up, Elliot told me that he took you home. Then, he made Hisoka, Paku, and myself clean up his house." said Illumi. He looked down at Hisoka, who was completely out cold, and sighed to himself. "Hisoka ran out as if his life depended on it. I didn't think he'd come here. He was probably worried about you." Illumi yawned and began walking towards the kitchen, "I'm going to eat something, take an ice cold shower, then I'm going to sleep this hangover off. Keep it down please." said Illumi as he took an apple and went upstairs. Soon, Killua decided to go to Gon's house. Illumi was up in his room. Hisoka was still passed out on the couch and Annabeth was up in her room. She was listening to music and doing her homework when there was a knock on the door. Annabeth turned around to see the door slowly opening. Every centimeter it opened, the more is creaked. Once it was fully opened, Hisoka dragged himself in. Annabeth sighed in relief. She watched as Hisoka slowly moved onto her bed. She couldn't help but giggle as he face planted onto her bed. "How are you feeling?" asked Annabeth.

"Like my head has been split open by an axe." replied Hisoka without lifting his head. Annabeth giggled a bit more. She stood up from her chair and sat on the floor next to the bed. She ran her fingers through Hisoka's fuschia colored hair. He groaned a bit before turning his head to face Annabeth. "That feels good." said Hisoka tiredly, "Keep doing that. It makes my head feel better." Annabeth smiled and continued to run her fingers through his hair. "Annie, stand up." said Hisoka. Annabeth looked at Hisoka a bit confusedly. She stood up and waited. Hisoka groaned a bit again before sitting up. He slowly wrapped his arms around Annabeth, pulling her closer to him. He laid his head on her chest. Annabeth smiled sweetly and ran her fingers through his soft hair. Suddenly, his grip tightened. Before she realized it, Annabeth was in the air. She didn't even have time to react before she landed on the bed. Her heart was pounding against her chest. She looked at Hisoka who was already fast asleep next to her with his arms wrapped around her.

"Honestly," she said as she sighed in relief, "If you wanted me to lay next to you, why didn't you just say so." Annabeth smiled sweetly at Hisoka. She stared at his sleeping face. "I still have homework to do." Annabeth thought to herself, "How the hell do I get out of this?" Annabeth tried moving out of Hisoka grasps. However, that resulted in Hisoka tightening his grip. Suddenly, the door opened without any knock.

"Hey Anne, have you seen the...." Illumi trailed off once he seen his best friend holding his twin sister in her bed. Annabeth felt a bit of fear for Hisoka.

"Hello~" Annabeth said in Hisoka's teasing voice. Illumi only stared at the two before walking over. He grabbed Hisoka by the back of his shirt and dragged him out of bed.

"Why are you mean, Illumi-chan?" asked Hisoka as he gave him one of his perverted and teasing smiles, "I was only enjoying your sister's cute body." he teased. Annabeth's face turned turned ever so red. Illumi had a deadly aura surrounding him. Hisoka was still hungover so he didn't put up much of a fight when Illumi dragged Hisoka out of his sister's bedroom and out of the house and leaving him on the street. Hisoka stood up. "If he wanted me to leave, he coulda just said to get out instead of stretching out my shirt and dragging me outside. Might as well go home then." He thought to himself as he stood up and began walking home. Illumi shut the door and turned around too see Annabeth was standing behind him with her arms crossed. She had a 'really?' look on her face.

"I already know what your going to say and no it wasn't a little much. He has a place of his own and he doesn't need to be here all day." said Illumi before walking off. Annabeth rolled her eyes. She went outside to see if Hisoka was still outside so she could bring him back in. When she looked outside, he was already gone..

"I guess he went home." Annabeth thought to herself. She was about to go back to her room when there was a knock on the door. Annabeth turned around and begrudgingly trudged to the door. She opened it and saw Elliot standing there with a coy smile on his face.

"Hey there, Tiny." said Elliot. He towered over Annabeth. His hair was pulled back into a small ponytail. He was holding his motorcycle helmet under his arm. He had a leather jacket on and one earring on his right ear.

"Hi, Elliot." Annabeth said happily.

"I was gonna head to the mall. Wanna join me?" asked Elliot.

"Sure. I'ma let my brother know first so he doesn't freak out. I'll be right back." said Annabeth. Annabeth quickly ran upstairs to her brother's room. She burst through the door. "Hey, I'm going to the mall with Elliot. Killua's out. I'll call when I'm on my way back. Now byeee." she said quickly before booking it back down stairs.

"Wait, what about your homework?" Illumi yelled, "Anne!" Annabeth was already downstairs.

"Let's hurry before Illumi catches us." said Annabeth as she pushed Elliot towards his motorcycle. They both quickly got on and Elliot decided to slowly move out of her driveway. Annabeth could feel her anxiety skyrocket. "Elliot, hurry!" said Annabeth.

"I don't know, Tiny. Maybe you should talk to your brother." Elliot said in a teasing manner. Annabeth looked over and saw Illumi come out of the house and start walking towards her.

"Come on!" said Annabeth. Elliot looked over and saw Illumi walking towards them. He smiled like a goof and sped out into the street and to the mall. Annabeth sighed in relief. "You're a jerk." she deadpanned.

Shy (Hisoka x OC) (AU)Where stories live. Discover now