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Annabeth sat in front of the mirror as she brushed her hair. A heavy pit sat in her stomach. She bit her lip anxiously. She could hear her mother telling her to wear a dress and to "doll" her face up. Annabeth remembers the fancy dinners they'd have on a daily basis. Her mother, Kikiyo always wanted her family to dress up nicely for dinner no matter the occasion. Annabeth sighed onto her mirror.

"I hope everything goes alright..." Annabeth thought to herself. The thought of Hisoka flew over her mind. Her cheek, slightly pink. Annabeth shook her head before taking both of her hands and smacking her cheeks in a clap. "Nope. Not doing that again," Annabeth said aloud. There was a knock on her bedroom door. "Come in!" Annabeth yells as she applies lipstick to her lips. Illumi entered Annabeth's room to see her hair was curled for the first time in years. She had on a little bit of makeup. Just some lipstick and mascara. She wore a simple, white, short, flowy dress.

"You look great," Illumi complimented, "It's been a while since you last dressed up," Annabeth stood up and twirled.

"I know. Since you, me, and Kil moved here for school. We haven't really kept up mom's dinner tradition, have we?" Annabeth said, trying to avoid Illumi's observant glances. However, her avoidance only tells Illumi about his sister's worries. He approaches Annabeth and grips her by her shoulders.

"I'll handle Hisoka. If you play your cards right, you won't even have to look at him," Illumi states monotonously. Annabeth felt a bit of disappointment bite her when she thought about not looking at Hisoka. "Oh," Illumi said snapping Annabeth from her thoughts, "Mom wants you to come down and help set the table," Annabeth nodded and followed Illumi down the hall. Killua, very reluctantly, had his hair gelled back. Annabeth snickered, earning a glare from Killua, who responded by moving his thumb across his throat. In return, Annabeth held up her fists mouthing the words, "Put 'em up! P-put 'em up!"

"Annabeth!" Kikiyo shouted seeing her daughter put up her fists. Annabeth jumped and faced the direction from which she heard Kikiyo shouting. "That is no way for a lady to behave! Help Kil set the table!"

"Yes, mom," Annabeth said obediently as she approached his little brother. She smiled evilly as did he.

"How are you feeling?" Killua asked, transitioning to a less joking tone. He knew how his big sister's mind worked. He knew dinners like this always made her nervous.

"I'll be okay," Annabeth said smiling at Killua. However, Killua was not fooled. He could see the slight trembles in her hands. The knock at the front door made Annabeth jump and almost drop a plate.

"I'll get the door," Killua said as he took the plate from his jumpy sister, "If you want, I'll sit next to you," Killua whispered. Annabeth nodded with no hesitation whatsoever, earning a small chuckle from Killua. He opened the door to see Elliot with his hair pulled back into a small, stumpy ponytail and bouquet of flowers. "Wow. You actually brought them," Killua said.

"Remind me again why I give these to your mom and not your sister," Elliot whispered nervously. He'd heard plenty about Annabeth's parents from his brother.

"You give them to her because she's the host," Killua said. Elliot had asked Killua for help on dinner manners. Having gone without parents for most of his life, he was never properly taught. He also wanted to make a good impression on the Zoldyck parents. Although there was one more reason, the worry was constantly gnawing in the back of his mind. However, the possibility of him being recognized was minimal.

"Who's at the door, Kil?" Kikiyo yelled.

"It's Anne's boyfriend!" Killua yelled. Kikiyo quickly came shuffling from the kitchen.

"So you're the young man who's captured my daughter's heart. I'm Kikiyo Zoldyck," Kikiyo greeted.

"It's a pleasure to meet you," Elliot said as if it were rehearsed, "These are for you," Elliot held out the flowers to Kikiyo.

"You're such a gentleman!" Kikiyo squealed before recomposing herself, "Come in. Dinner is almost ready. Darling, your lover is here!" Annabeth cringed hearing her mother call Elliot her lover. Her face turned to a cherry hue.

"Why did she have to say it like that?!" Annabeth thought to herself as she began to consider the possibility of digging a hole to die in.

"Are you okay?" Elliot asked. Seeing Annabeth's face caused Elliot to blush. Killua and Illumi watched the two from the top of the stairs.

"Their heads look like they're about to explode," Killua commented as Illumi tried to remind himself of the Carpenter name.

"Have you heard their last name before?" Illumi asked.

"I'm sure I haven't. Why? Have you?" Killua asked in return. Illumi didn't respond. He wanted to keep his suspicions to himself. "Where's dad?" Kil asked.

"Mom made him get a bottle of wine for dinner," Illumi responded. As if on cue, Silva strode into the door. Elliot watched as a tall, bulky, muscular man with long platinum blonde hair entered the house. Elliot felt every part of himself tense up.

"That's what he looks like?!" Elliot thought fearfully to himself, "He looks like he'd eat me for breakfast!" Within a second, all the blood that was stored in his cheeks, drained. He was now as pale as silva's hair.

"Dear, Annabeth's boyfriend has arrived. Go introduce yourself," Kikiyo said. Silva exited the kitchen and made his way to Elliot.

"Welcome. My name is Silva Zoldyck. You must be my daughter's boyfriend," Silva spoke in his booming voice. He had a menacing glare that was aimed directly as Elliot. Annabeth realized what her father was doing. She felt bad for Elliot. However, there was nothing she could do to stop Silva. He was going to perform the duty of every father with a daughter who has a boyfriend......... scare the ever-living daylights out of Elliot.

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