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"Is she falling back into old habits?" Killua thought to himself. He continued to eye his sister suspiciously. "Are you sure?" asked Killua a bit worriedly.

"Yup." Annabeth replied nonchalantly.

"Okay then." Killua replied little worriedly. Annabeth served herself and her little brother. While they were eating, Annabeth felt her phone go off. She looked at her phone and saw that it was a text message from Hisoka. Killua noticed the look of despair on her face. "Anne? Is everything okay?" Annabeth recomposed herself. She stuffed her phone back into her pocket and began to eat.

"I'm okay." she said without making any sort of eye contact. Annabeth finished her food and went up to her room, leaving Killua alone in the kitchen. Killua finished his food as well and went to Gon's house. Gon's house wasn't very far from the Zoldyck house. Killua knocked on the door. Gon opened it. He noticed the extremely worried look on Killua's face.

"Killua! Is everything okay?" said Gon worriedly.

"There's something wrong with my sister. She's hiding it but I think it involves Hisoka." said Killua.

"Hisoka? The senior?" asked Gon. Killua nodded.

"Yeah. He's a rumored to be a giant playboy." replied Killua.

"What's that?" asked Gon.

"A jackass that uses girls and doesn't care about them." said Killua.

Back at the Zoldyck house, Annabeth was struggling with her own demons. Hisoka was texting her, trying to get ahold of her.

H: Hi Annie-chan <3

Annabeth felt sick to her stomach. She didn't want to talk to Hisoka. She stayed balled up in the corner of her bed as her phone continued to buzz.

H: Annie, is everything okay? I'm starting to get worried. :(

Hisoka began questioning on whether or not Annabeth knew what he did.

"No. That's impossible. I destroyed her phone and Annabeth wouldn't believe anything Kara tells her." Hisoka thought to himself, "Maybe I should stop by to check on her." Hisoka got up and started walking to Annabeth's house. Annabeth stayed in her room. Her phone stopped vibrating. She slowly inched towards her phone. It wasn't going off anymore. Annabeth sighed in relief. She felt her depression wrap its arms around her.

"Why would he do that? What did he gain from it? I'm not crazy, am I? He didn't save me from Kara's abuse or try to constantly get closer to me?" Annabeth thought to herself, "He didn't give me his sweater so I could be more comfortable She was ripped from her thoughts by the sound of the door bell and knocks on the door.

"Annie! Annie, are you there?" yelled Hisoka. Annabeth felt a pit in her stomach.

Shy (Hisoka x OC) (AU)Where stories live. Discover now