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 The next morning, Annabeth woke up bright and early. She began cleaning her room and munching on some sweets while she worked. When she finished, she went down stairs where her brothers were making breakfast.

"Morning." said Annabeth cheerfully.

"You seem to be in a good mood." said Illumi as he was cooking some eggs.

"That's because Hisoka~ got her a giant bag of sweets. She was probably eating them before coming down here." said Killua while Annabeth was signaling for him to stop talking.

"Spill it. How much did you eat?" said Illumi a bit annoyingly.

"One." said Annabeth proudly.

"Anne~." said Illumi

"Two." she said as her pridefulness began to fade.

"Annie~" said Killua.

"Three." she said a bit guilty.

"Annabeth!" said Illumi.

"Fine five." Annabeth finally spat out as if she was getting tortured by her brothers penetrating stares. Killua began laughing. Illumi pinched he bridge of his nose. Annabeth stood there with a guilty smile on her face. This was normal interaction between the three Zoldyck siblings. Illumi acted more as the caretaker towards Annabeth and Killua. Illumi mainly cooked and cleaned the kitchen. He'd also take care of his siblings when or if they got hurt or sick. They would do the same on the rare occasion Illumi would get sick. Annabeth was the one who'd straighten up the house. She'd clean the living room and the hallway. Killua, having lost in a coin flip, would clean the bathroom. It was a small bathroom. Not very hard to clean. He'd help with his other two siblings whenever they needed help. School or public is where Annabeth becomes shy and quiet.

"Do I need to take that bag away?" scolded Illumi. At home, Annabeth is like a child. Illumi acts more like a parent to her than a sibling. Killua usually acts as the instigator and, then, proceeds to watch the show with popcorn and a soda.

"No! I promise, I won't eat anymore until Hisoka-kun gets here." said Annabeth with a child-like smile on here face. Illumi stood in front of her, completely unphased.

"I'm taking the bag." said Illumi as he ran passed Annabeth to her room.

"No! Leave my babies alone!" yelled Annabeth as she ran after Illumi. Killua continued laughing his ass off. He stopped when he heard a knock at the door. Killua could hear his siblings fighting in Annabeth's room. He went to open the door and found Hisoka standing at the door.

"Hello~" said Hisoka with the usual smirk on his face. Before Killua could respond, Annabeth's yelling reached both of their ears.

"Damn it, Illumi! Give me my bag of happiness back!" yelled Annabeth a bit angrily. Hisoka was surprised. He's never heard Annabeth yell like that before.

"Not until you learn how to control yourself!" Illumi yelled back. Killua could see the surprised look on Hisoka's face. He couldn't help but laugh a bit.

"I take it that you never seen my sister like this?" asked Killua. Hisoka shook his head in response, "She may be shy at school but at home, she's more like this." A small smile formed on Killua's face. Then, Illumi came racing down the stairs holding Annabeth's bag of sweets. Annabeth was behind him. Although, she tripped and began falling. She braced herself for impact. However, she landed on something. It was a bit hard but not as hard as the ground. Annabeth opened her eyes to see what she landed on. Her face turned horribly red when she realized that she was on top of Hisoka.

"Hi-hisoka-kun!" Annabeth exclaimed.

"Hello to you too~" purred Hisoka with his usual smirk. Suddenly, there was a quick flash of light. Hisoka and Annabeth looked up to see Killua taking a picture. When Killua realized he was being stared at, he took off before either Hisoka or Annabeth could chase after him. Annabeth scrambled to get off of Hisoka.

"Sorry." she said shyly, "My brother took my bag of sweets." Hisoka looked at Annabeth's blushing face. He couldn't help but smile in return. "Anyway, do you want to study in my room?" asked Annabeth softly.

"Sure~" said Hisoka as he helped Annabeth up. Annabeth led Hisoka to her room. She pulled out her notebook and notes. Annabeth began explaining how to do the math problems Hisoka was stuck on. Hisoka was staring at Annabeth the entire time. He wasn't listening so much as admiring her beauty.

"Then, you add this to that and you have your coordinates." finished Annabeth. She noticed that Hisoka was staring at her. "Hisoka-kun? Are you okay?" asked Annabeth curiously. His cheeks were a bit pink.

"Yes. I'm okay. When are you going to be back at school?" he asked. Annabeth thought about it for a moment.

"I should be back in class by Monday." said Annabeth. Hisoka smirked.

"Good. Meet me on the roof after school. There's something I have to ask you." said Hisoka.

"Why not just ask me now?" asked Annabeth curiously. Hisoka froze. He didn't expect her to ask him that.

"There are still somethings I need to take care of before I can ask, of course." said Hisoka. Annabeth didn't think much of it. She went back to talking about the math problem. "Annie-chan~." said Hisoka flirtatiously. Annabeth looked over at Hisoka. He scooted closer to her to where their shoulders were touching. "What do I do about this problem here?" He looked at Annabeth's face. She was more focused on the problem than him. She began explaining the problem. Her hand was flat on the ground. He inched his hand closer to hers to intertwine his fingers with hers. His fingers grazed hers.

"Oh sorry." she said as she moved her hand before going back to explaining the problem. Hisoka couldn't believe that he was getting nowhere with Annabeth. Killua and Illumi were peeking inside her room. They watched as Hisoka continued to fail at flirting with their dense sister. Illumi wanted to go in and sit in between them, Killua was trying to stifle his laughter.

"Maybe you should be glad our sister is so dense." whispered Kil. Illumi sighed.

"That's enough of spying on them for today. Come on. I need to go buy some groceries." said Illumi. Killua nodded and began to follow him out. Annabeth and Hisoka heard the front door shut.

"What was that?" asked Hisoka.

"My brothers probably went out." said Annabeth as she shrugged off the matter, "Wait a minute....." she thought to herself, "Oh God. Am I here alone with him?" She nervously turned her head towards Hisoka. Hisoka was looking at the notebook trying to understand her notes. Annabeth's heart began to race. She began to stutter a bit. Hisoka noticed her reactions. He smiled seductively. "I'm going to grab something to drink. W-would you like something?" she asked shyly.

"Just some water please." said Hisoka. Annabeth nodded and walked out of the room. She went to the kitchen and caught her breath.

"Why did I start acting weird around him?" she thought to herself, "I've never acted this way around him before. My heart is going a million miles an hour. It feels like I have butterflies in my belly. I got the same feeling when he said I was beautiful and when he brought me that bag of sweets. Do I like him?" Annabeth asked herself. Hisoka came down stairs.

"Are you okay, Annie-chan? You were taking a while." said Hisoka a bit worriedly. Annabeth felt the butterflies in her belly again.

"Yes." she said more to herself than Hisoka, "I'll be up in a minute. Go on without me." she said with a genuine smile on her face. Hisoka smiled back at her and went up stairs. For some reason, Annabeth felt a slight pain in her chest. "The sad thing is, he doesn't feel the same way. He's only nice to me because I'm his best friend's sister." Annabeth reminded herself. She grabbed two water bottles and went back up stairs. She wasn't smiling like she was before. Not long after, she finished tutoring Hisoka. She walked him back down stairs to the door.

"Thank you, Annie-chan." said Hisoka as he moved to hugged Annabeth. She took a step back.

"I'll see you at school tomorrow." Annabeth said a bit sadly before shutting the door. Hisoka stood at the door. He didn't know why she was so sad. She was completely fine earlier.

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