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The next morning, Annabeth when downstairs to find her mother and father sitting with Illumi in the living room.

"Mama! Papa!" Annabeth exclaimed with joy as she ran up and jumped into her father's arms.

"Hello, Beth," Silva said as he kissed her head. Silva was the only one who called Annabeth 'Beth'. Annabeth jumped from her father's arms to her mother's.

"Hello, darling," Kikiyo said as she hugged Annabeth tightly before cupping her face, "You're getting more beautiful every day. Where's Kil?" Kikiyo asked.

"He's still upstairs asleep. Where's Kalluto?" Annabeth said happily.

"He was still tired so he went upstairs to sleep in Illu's room," Kikiyo said as she hugged her daughter more.

"How's school going for you?" Silva asked.

"Oh yes, with your beauty, surely you have a boyfriend already, right?" Kikiyo asked causing Silva to choke on his coffee.

"Well, I do actually," Annabeth said rather shyly. Kikiyo squealed in excitement. Her voice was so loud that Everyone else had to cover their ears.

"Darling, you must bring him over! I would very much love to meet him!" Kikiyo said jumping up and down in excitement.

"I would too," Silva said with more of a deathly look in his eye. Annabeth chuckled nervously knowing that Silva can be quite the threatening man.

"Okay okay," Annabeth said a little nervously, "How long are you guys staying?" Silva and Kikiyo exchanged looks.

"I'm afraid we'll only be staying for three days, Beth," Silva said. Annabeth had a small, heartbreaking frown on her face. Annabeth was Silva's secret favorite amongst his children. He hated seeing her frown in such a way.

"How about I take into town today for lunch?" Silva offered. Annabeth's eyes lit up. It's not often she gets to see her father, but when she does, she usually spends the day with him.

"Okay!" Annabeth beamed.

"Ah, Illu. How's your friend, Hisoka. It's been a while since the last time we saw him. He's a very intriguing boy." Kikiyo said.

"He's alright. We've been too busy to speak lately." Illumi said hiding the recent events that occurred. He hadn't told Annabeth that he believes Hisoka didn't hurt Annabeth on purpose.

"Why don't you invite him over for dinner tomorrow night," Kikiyo suggested before turning to Annabeth, "Darling, why don't you invite your new boyfriend as well?" Annabeth and Illumi exchanged looks of uncertainty with each other. It's not a secret that Elliot and Hisoka don't get along together.

"I'm so excited!" Kikiyo exclaimed happily. Illumi and Annabeth exchanged looks of uncomfortable between each other.

"Anne, help me to wake up Kil," he said. Annabeth nodded and followed Illumi upstairs. The two went in Kil's room and immediately woke him up.

"What's going on?" Killua asked.

"Mama and Papa are at home. They want to invite Hisoka and Elliot over for dinner tomorrow night," Annabeth stated coldly.

"What?! Hisoka can't come over!" Killua said. Annabeth noticed that Illumi hadn't said anything about Hisoka coming over.

"Illumi, you haven't said anything," Annabeth said.

"I didn't want to tell you until later but I guess I have no choice now." Illumi sighed, "Hisoka came over last night. He told me what he was trying to tell you the last time he was here."

"What?!" Killua exclaimed, "He's still trying to make excuses! Tell him to Screw off!"

"I... I believe him," Illumi said. Annabeth's eyes widened in shock and betrayal.

"You can't be serious!" Annabeth yelled.

"Anne, I love you but you don't know him as well as I do. The whole thing doesn't make sense!" Illumi yelled back.

"Stop!" Killua yelled, "I'm not about to go through this arguing shit again! What did Hisoka tell you?"

"He was saying-" Illumi was interrupted by someone knocking on the door.

"Is everything okay?" Kikiyo said as she poked her head in, "I heard shouting."

"How much did she hear?" Annabeth thought to herself.

"Yes, mother. Everything is fine. Killua just didn't want to wake up." Illumi said pointing to Killua as Kil yelled in protest.

"Splendid, come now. Breakfast is ready." Kikiyo said leaving the three alone in the bedroom.

"We'll talk later," Annabeth sighed as she went to get Kalluto. 

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