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Annabeth was walking the empty halls to get to her classroom. Suddenly, she was thrown into the lockers. Annabeth looked up and saw Kara Yuki with a gauze and bandage over her cheek where Annabeth punched her.

"You little bitch!" yelled Kara, "Did you think you could fucking punch me and think I wouldn't do a damn thing about it?!" Kara grabbed Annabeth by her hair and held her head against the wall. Annabeth yelled in pain. "Ha. Where's your bold attitude now?" said Kara as she punched Annabeth in the stomach and watched her hold her belly in pain. "I said it once and I'll say it again. Stay away from my Hisoka. He doesn't even like you, you ugly little slut." She began kicking Annabeth.

"Hey! What are you doing to her?" yelled someone else.

"Shit. You got lucky this time you little bitch!" said Kara as she took off running. Annabeth sat herself against the wall. She looked over and saw another boy. He had bright, blue eyes and orange hair. Annabeth recognized him. He was basically the thug of the school. Elliot Carpenter. He has a muscular build. He towers over Annabeth like a giant. He was suspended for beating up a group of kids. They all had to go to the emergency room when he was done with them. He's usually a happy-go-lucky guy. However, if someone pisses him off, they might as well start digging their own graves. Today was his first day back.

"Are you okay?" he asked coldly.

"Y-yes." she said shyly as she tried to stand up. Her legs weren't able to handle her weight. She plopped back down to the ground.

"Whoa. No you're not. Come on. I'm taking you to the nurse's office." he said as he knelt down in front of her with his back facing her. "Climb on my back. I'll carry you." Annabeth got onto his back and Elliot got up.

"Thank you." she said shyly.

"Don't mention it. What's your name, tiny?" Elliot asked.

"Annabeth Zoldyck." she said softly.

"Nice to meet ya. I'm Elliot Carpenter." he said, "Who was that girl? She was laying into you pretty good."

"Kara Yuki." answered Annabeth.

"Isn't she that crazy broad that dated Hisoka Morou?" asked Elliot.

"Yes. She thinks that he likes me. She wanted me to stay away from him." said Annabeth.

"I would steer clear of that guy. I may be fucked up but he can definitely do more damage. Especially to girls. He uses them. Once he gets bored, he throws them away. I thought I was an asshole until I met him." said Elliot.

"He's friends with my brother. He's nice to me because I'm his sister." said Annabeth.

"You said your name was Zoldyck, right? Are you Illumi's sister?" Elliot asked curiously. Annabeth nodded. "I'm surprised he wasn't here to protect you. He acts like your shadow. It kinda creeped me out. I can see why now." Elliot approached the nurse's office and opened the door. He sat Annabeth in one of the beds. "Oi, Nurse Hatchin are you here?" said Elliot.

"I'm right here, Elliot. Who did you fight this time? It's barely your first day back. How did you already get into a fight?" said the nurse harshly.

"Calm down, Hatchin. I didn't fight anyone. I was going to class and I found her getting beat by Kara Yuki. I carried her here. If anything I'm innocent. The hero in fact." he said proudly. Annabeth could help but laugh a bit.

"You? A hero? That's rich." said Nurse Hatchin sarcastically, "Get to class before you get in any more trouble." Elliot scoffed.

"Thank you, Elliot." said Annabeth louder than she usually does. Elliot turned around to look at her. She had the brightest smile he had ever seen. He smiled back at her with the slightest pink in his cheeks.

"Don't mention it, Tiny." said Elliot before walking out of class.

"Did Kara Yuki push you down those stairs?" asked Hatchin. Annabeth looked down sadly and didn't respond. Hatchin sighed. "I can help, you know." said Hatchin in a gentle voice as she placed bandages over the gash that Kara gave her. Annabeth shook her head.

"I'm okay." said Annabeth, "I'm going to head to class. Thank you, Nurse Hatchin." Annabeth walked out of the nurse's office and back to class. Annabeth walked into class with her head hanging low. Hisoka picked up his head. He was happy to see Annabeth. His smile faded when he saw the bandages over a small part of her head.

"Why are you late?" asked Annabeth's teacher, Mr. Lippo.

"Sorry, Mr. Lippo. I was at the nurse's office." said Annabeth quietly as she handed Mr. Lippo a note.

"That's fine. Take a seat." said Mr. Lippo. Annabeth walked to her seat in the back of the classroom without another word. She sat down and began to stare out the window like she always does. Suddenly, there was a tap on her hand. She looked over and saw Hisoka peering at her.

"What happened to your head?" he whispered. Before Annabeth could respond, Mr. Lippo spoke up.

"If you're going to interrupt class, then you can do it in the principal's office." said Mr. Lippo frustratingly.

"Sorry, Mr. Lippo." said Hisoka. He looked at Annabeth and she was back to staring out the window. He folded his arms and rested is head on them. Suddenly, the door swung open.

"Wassup, Teach." said Elliot with a giant, coy grin on his face. Everyone turned their stares to Elliot.

"I forgot he's in my class." Annabeth thought to herself.

"Why are you late?" asked Mr. Lippo angrily.

"I was helping student get to the nurse's office." said Elliot. He scanned the room and saw Annabeth. She was staring at him with surprised eyes. "There she is over there." said Elliot as he pointed to Annabeth. Everyone's head turned to Annabeth. She found herself completely frozen. She didn't know what to do. Everyone's stared pierced her body, mind, and soul. She couldn't get any words out of her mouth. She was stuck. It was as if she was in a breakdown mode.

"Is that true, Annabeth?" asked Mr. Lippo. Annabeth was still unable to get any words over her tongue and out her mouth. She nodded nervously. Her face was still a blushing mess. Mr. Lippo sighed in defeat. "Fine. Hurry and take your seat." he said. Elliot sat in the back. His desk was on the other side of Hisoka. Hisoka picked up his head. He glanced at Elliot, who was smiling like an idiot and waving at Annabeth. He looked at Annabeth and she shyly waved back. Hisoka sat up to block Elliot's view of Annabeth.

Shy (Hisoka x OC) (AU)Where stories live. Discover now