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Hello Everyone. I just wanted to say sorry for the long wait. I've been super busy since school started and since I've been working. Thank you to everyone who continued to read my stories and put up with my long pauses in the stories. So without further ado. Here's the latest chapter of Shy. I hope you all enjoy. I love you all.

-Rara <3


Since that day, the rest of the week sped by. It was Friday before anyone knew it. Night had fallen. Killua was at the arcade with Gon. Illumi and Annabeth were getting ready for the Elliot's party. Illumi was going over some 'ground rules' with Annabeth.

"If you're going to drink then stay where I can see you or stay in crowded areas. Don't go in any rooms alone with any guy. That includes Hisoka." said Illumi sternly, "I don't care if you two hang out but don't let him lead to you any rooms alone."

"What happens if he does?" asked Annabeth curiously. Illumi wasn't sure how to respond. His sister is still rather innocent minded. He continued to stare at his bug-eyed sister, who was awaiting an answer. He felt himself get nauseous at the thought of Hisoka fucking his innocent sister.

"You'll get hurt." said Illumi before hurriedly leaving the room so Annabeth couldn't ask anymore questions.

"Hurt?" she said to herself, "Does Illumi think Hisoka would kill me? I know Hisoka-kun seems threatening when he's mad but I doubt he'd actually murder me." Annabeth got up and went down stairs where Illumi was waiting. Hisoka sent Annabeth a text letting her know that he was going to meet with them at the party. Illumi and Annabeth get into Illumi's car and they drive off. When they get to Elliot's house, it's filled to the brink with lights, music and the chitter chatter of underage drinkers. In the basement, a few groups are playing spin the bottle and seven minutes in heaven. On the first floor, being the most crowded, are where the drinkers from Annabeth's school are gathered. Up in the second floor, where the multitude of bedrooms are located, the people who are already drunk and the couples have taken up the rooms and moans of pleasure can be heard. Thus, music is blaring throughout the house. Illumi and Annabeth walked into the house. Elliot was the first to greet them.

"Hey, Tiny. Hey, Illumi." said Elliot happily, "Welcome to the party." he said while smiling like an innocent child.

"I can smell the beer in your breath." said Annabeth as she pinched her nose, "Are you drunk?"

"Not yet." said Elliot happily, "Hisoka came in a few minutes ago. I think he's in the kitchen. I saw Pakunoda with her group." Elliot winked at Illumi. Annabeth had already left to see Hisoka so he went to see Pakunoda. Illumi found Pakunoda on the couch by herself.

"The group isn't here with you?" asked Illumi as he sat next to Pakunoda with his arm around her.

"No. They split for the night. Chrollo and Machi are up stairs. Shizuku didn't want to come. Shalnark and Nobunaga are at Uvogin's apartment drinking there. Chrollo and Machi invited me to come with them, then they left to go upstairs about half an hour ago. I don't even know where Feitan is." said Pakunoda.

"Have you drank?" asked Illumi.

"No. I was waiting for you to get here." said Pakunoda as she took Illumi's hand and led him to the kitchen.

Meanwhile, Annabeth found Hisoka drinking in the kitchen.

"Hi Hisoka-kun." Annabeth said shyly. Hisoka looked at Annabeth. She was wearing the sweater he gave her. It covered her entire shirt and only showed her legs. She looked adorable in his eyes.

"Hey, Annie. Wanna drink too?" asked Hisoka.

"I'll share with you. I don't drink much." said Annabeth. Hisoka passed his cup to Annabeth and she drank from it.

"I didn't think you were the type to drink at all." said Hisoka. Annabeth nodded.

"Me and Illumi sometimes share drinks when Killua was away for a bit." said Annabeth, "I have a tolerance but I'm not sure what it is. I've never thrown up from drinking too much or gotten hungover before."

"Well, you can drink all you want. I'll protect you." said Hisoka as he snaked his arm around Annabeth and pulled her close to him.

"Please don't kiss her around me." said Illumi as he walked in the kitchen with Pakunoda clinging to his arm.

"Don't get your panties from a twist. I'm just making sure she's safe from any bad guys that might be at the party." said Hisoka as he smiled coyly. Illumi deadpanned. Pakunoda and Annabeth giggled at Illumi's behavior. Annabeth leaned her head on Hisoka's chest as he tightened his grip on her.

"Where's everyone else, Paku?" asked Hisoka.

"I don't even know." said Pakunoda annoyingly. Illumi kissed her head.

"Are you drinking, Annabeth?" asked Illumi.

"Yeah. I'm sharing with Hisoka-kun." said Annabeth.

"How are you feeling?" asked Pakunoda.

"I feel fine." replied Annabeth as she smiled innocently.

"I'm going to use the bathroom." said Hisoka, "I'll be right back." He quickly kissed Annabeth before walking off to find the bathroom. While he was searching for the bathroom, he ran into a rather unpleasant acquaintance.

"Hey, Hisoka~" Kara purred.,

Shy (Hisoka x OC) (AU)Where stories live. Discover now