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"What does your brother do?" Kikiyo asked curiously. Elliot began to sweat. He knew he couldn't say what him and his brother actually did.

"My brother um just got out of school. He's looking for work right now," Elliot stammered. Kalluto turned his gaze to Elliot. The conversation halted immediately seeing Kalluto give his attention to Elliot. A second passed before Kalluto turned his attention back to his pate and continued eating.

"Hisoka, how have your days been treating you? Are you and your associates still working together?" Silva asked.

"Yes we are. Did you need something done?" Hisoka responded slyly.

"No. It was just an inquiry," Silva responded before turning his attention back to Elliot. "You look very familiar. Are you sure we haven't met before?" Elliot swallowed a lump in his throat.

"I'm positive. I would've remembered an intimidating man like you," Elliot said hoping to feed into some sort of vanity and change the subject.

"Well, my dear," Kikiyo spoke in a completely casual and sweet, "You seem like a very nice young man but if I find out you mistreat my daughter I'll castrate you," Elliot, Hisoka, and Illumi paled.

"Mom!" Annabeth yelled, knowing full well her mother would not speak empty words.

"What? You're my eldest daughter! As your mother, I take pride in seeing you happy," Kikiyo continued sweetly. Kalluto and Killua continued eating as if this were normal. Silva only chuckled seeing the teenagers lose all their color. However, he couldn't keep his eyes off Elliot. His face kept ringing bells in his mind, but he couldn't place Elliot. Everyone was conversing happily with each other as they ate dinner. Silva watched Elliot converse with Annabeth. He watched as Elliot threw Hisoka a quick glare. Silva slammed his fist on the table and stood up.

"I know who you are," Silva growled. A cold bead of sweat ran down Elliot's forehead. He could feel bloodlust seeping from Silva, "I'm giving you the chance to get out of my house," Silva hissed as he set a gun with a silencer on the dinner table for everyone to see. Everyone remained silent with anticipation. Hisoka fought his lips from curling into a smile.

"Dad!" Annabeth exclaimed as she stood up from the table, "What the hell are you doing?!"

"Sit down, Beth," Silva said, keeping his deathly gaze on Elliot.
"Final warning, boy. Get out of my house and stay away from my daughter," Silva hissed. Elliot slowly stood up, without taking his eyes off Silva's hands, and back towards the door and let himself out. Upon hearing the door shut, Silva sat back down. Annabeth scoffed and attempted to storm towards the door. When she tried to follow Elliot, Silva grabbed her arm.

"Don't be rude. Finish your dinner," Silva said without changing his tone. Annabeth begrudgingly sat back down and proceeded to inhale her dinner. She tried again to go after Elliot to be stopped again by Illumi.

"I need to talk to you," Illumi whispered, "You know they won't let you leave,"

Shy (Hisoka x OC) (AU)Where stories live. Discover now