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This went on for five days. Illumi was at his wits end. Elliot would drop by for an update on Annabeth. No one has heard anything from Hisoka. He remained MIA ever since he got beat up by Elliot and Illumi. Killua tried everyday to get his big sister to talk to him. He'd sit outside her door for hours each day trying to prompt a response from her. One day, he brought her a sandwich. He knocked on her door. He received no response.

"Anne, you gotta eat something. You're going to starve if you don't." said Killua worriedly. He sighed to himself and set the tray down on the ground. "I'll leave your food here for you." he said as he pretended to walk away. He waited silently around the corner. About five minutes later, her door opened. Killua quickly ran into Annabeth's room. He looked at his sister. She looked sickly. She practically skin and bones. Her face was pale. Killua could see the depression in her eyes. He's never seen his sister this awful before. He felt tears prick his eyes. He quickly ran up to Annabeth and hugged her. To his surprise, he felt her arms wrap around him. "Please don't ever do this again. Do you have any idea how worried everyone is?" said Killua. Annabeth placed her head on Killua's shoulder.

"I'm sorry." she muttered quietly. Killua smiled gently at her.

"It's ok. You should eat before you pass out." he said as he handed Annabeth the sandwich. Annabeth began to munch on her sandwich. Illumi silently watched from around the corner. He silently sighed to himself and walked back into his own room. Although he was relieved to see Annabeth finally eat something and let someone in, he was sad that it wasn't him. She's his twin sister for crying out loud. He thought their bond as siblings was far more strong than what it was now.

"She's upset with me. She's upset with nearly everyone. Her walls are as high as ever. I doubt she'll let anyone close to her heart again. Killua smashed through her thick walls. It surprisingly worked. I don't think I'll be as lucky. I do think I have better chances. Then again, she's never been this upset with me. I'll think of something." Illumi thought to himself. Suddenly, he had a brilliant idea. He quickly wrote a note saying he went to run errands before leaving to the mall. He remembered how when they were younger, Illumi and Annabeth would be dressed in yukatas. They would go to the carnival. As they grew older, they became too busy with school to go. "She would always smile every time we went. This time, Kil will be old enough to go as well. Hopefully this will work." Illumi thought to himself as he drove down the street.

Annabeth finished her sandwich and fell asleep. Killua pulled the covers over her and took the plate down stairs to the kitchen. He washed the plate and a few other dishes left in the sink. Killua stopped upon hearing a knock at the door. He dried his hands and went to open the door. When he opened it, his expression darkened instantly. His eyes showed no mercy and possibly murderous intent. His fists clenched and he grit his teeth.

"What do you want, Hisoka?" Killua said ominously.

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