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The bell rang and soon Annabeth was the only person in the halls. She stopped in front of her classroom door. She peeked in her classroom and saw Hisoka boredly staring at his notebook. She didn't see Elliot in class. Although she wasn't surprised.

"He probably skipped class," Annabeth thought to herself as she slid down the door, "I can't believe I have to see him tonight." Annabeth balled up and buried her face in her arms.

"What're you doing, Tiny?" Elliot said smiling down at Annabeth. She quickly picked up her head upon hearing Elliot's voice.

"Elliot!" Annabeth beamed, "I didn't see you inside. I thought you ditched." Elliot chuckled before reaching his hand out to Annabeth. She smiled taking his hand. The minute she was on her feet, Elliot began dragging Annabeth down the hall. "Where are we going?" Annabeth gasped.

"We're ditching for the day," Elliot proudly announced as he marched down the empty halls of the school.

"Are you kidding?! Illumi will have my ass if he finds out I ditched. Yours too if he finds out you're involved," Annabeth rambled trying to use her minuscule strength to make Elliot stop walking.

"Then, we won't let him find out," Elliot said happily as he continued marching towards the school gates with Annabeth in tow. The two went to the school parking lot where Elliot put his helmet on Annabeth's head. Elliot drove him and Annabeth to a hole-in-the-wall book store. Annabeth pulled the helmet off of her head and looked at the store in awe. The two entered the store. Annabeth found herself going from shelf to shelf like a kid in the candy store. Elliot was talking to the owner.

"Do you have any idea why he's back?" Elliot asked. The store owner shook his head.

"Sorry, Lad. If I knew he was coming back, I would've warned ya." The store clerk responded. Elliot looked back at Annabeth with a concerned look on her face. "Does she know anything?" The owner asked noticing Elliot's gaze.

"She knows nothing and I'm hoping it'll stay that way. Thanks." Elliot said.

"Anytime, Lad," The owner responded. Elliot was about to walk away when the clerk called out to him. Elliot turned around. "Get yer ass back to class," The owner growled jokingly. Elliot smiled and turned to Annabeth.

"You ready to go?" Elliot asked.

"Yeah. I just want to buy this book," Annabeth said as she skipped to the counter where the owner was waiting. "I'd like to buy this book, please." Annabeth chirped. The owner smiled at Annabeth.

"It's on the house," the owner smiled. Annabeth's eye lit up.

"Thank you very much, sir." Annabeth beamed. The owner smiled as Elliot and Annabeth walked outside the store.

"She looks like she'd be good for him. I just hope Stephen won't ruin this for Elliot." The owner thought to himself.

At school, Killua was on the roof eating lunch by himself.

"I wonder where Elliot and Anne are," Killua thought to himself. He walked downstairs and found Illumi in the cafeteria.

"Is everything alright?" Illumi asked seeing Killua approach him.

"Yeah. I haven't seen Anne. She and Elliot usually sit on the roof with me to eat." Killua explained.

"And they're both gone?" Illumi asked. Killua nodded. He was smirking internally knowing exactly what Annabeth was doing. Illumi wasn't too worried about his sister. However, he was curious as to her whereabouts.

I: Hey, where are you?

Annabeth and Elliot stopped at a coffee shop. She felt her phone buzz. Annabeth looked at the screen and froze. There was a text message from Illumi asking where she was.

"Elliot! What should I do? Illumi wants to know where I am!" Annabeth gasped as her face began to drain of color.

"Why are you turning pale?!" Elliot gasped, "Give me your phone!" Annabeth gladly gave up her phone. She felt nauseous. Annabeth knew Illumi would kill her if he found out she was ditching.

"Okay. I bought us some time but we gotta go!" Elliot and Annabeth ran out of the coffee shop and jumped on Elliot's motorcycle. The two sped back to the school.

"What did you tell him?" Annabeth asked.

"I told him you were in the bathroom," Elliot responded.

"There's like six bathrooms. Which did you say I was in?" Annabeth asked.

"I only said you were in the bathroom," Elliot responded as he turned the corner. The school was in sight. Elliot quickly pulled into the school parking lot. The two ran to the nearest bathroom. By the time they got there, their knees were weak, their foreheads were sweaty, and they were both out of breath. Annabeth never felt more alive. She could feel the adrenaline rushing through her veins.

"I can't believe we did it!" Annabeth squealed as she jumped into Elliot's arms. Annabeth turned her head to see her brothers staring at the two of them. No doubt they heard Annabeth squeal. Illumi noticed the sweat and heavy breathing right away. He began emitting a murderous stare at Elliot. Elliot realized what was going through Illumi's mind.

"Hey guys," Annabeth said happily.

"Why are your heads sweaty?" Killua asked. Annabeth froze. She wasn't sure how to answer. Before she could think of an answer, Annabeth felt a gust of wind brush past her. Elliot was being chased by Illumi.

"Why did they take off?" Annabeth thought to herself. Killua burst out laughing. Annabeth never felt more confused. "I'm so lost," Annabeth thought to herself.

Shy (Hisoka x OC) (AU)Where stories live. Discover now