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Meanwhile, the movie had just ended. Illumi and Pakunoda had walked out of the theater.

"Stupid Chris Pratt." Pakunoda mumbled, "If he controlled himself then they all would've lived." Illumi laughed a bit. A chilling wind blew past Pakunoda. She shivered a bit. Illumi recognized this as his chance.

"Here," he said as he took off his jacket, "You can use my jacket." he wrapped it around Pakunoda. Her cheeks turned slightly red.

"Thank you, Illumi" said Paku with a bit of blush in her cheeks.

"My car is parked over there. Do you want a ride home?" asked Illumi. Pakunoda smiled.

"Sure. I'll point you in the direction. Thanks." said Pakunoda. She got in the passenger's side. It was a quiet drive to Paku's house. When they pulled up, Illumi parked and walked her to the door. "Thank you for tonight, Illumi. I had fun." said Pakunoda with a sweet smile on her face.

"You're welcome. I had fun as well." said Illumi.

"Oh, here's your jacket." she said as she tried to take it off. Illumi stopped her hand by grabbing it.

"It's okay. You can keep it." said Illumi with a red tint in his cheeks.

"Thank you." said Pakunoda. She quickly got up to her tippy toes and gave Illumi a quick kiss. She walked back to the door and opened it. "Goodnight." she said sweetly before shutting the door behind her. Illumi walked back to his car. He looked at the door and the curtains to make sure no one was looking.

"Yes!" he shouted happily as he hit the steering wheel. He raced home to tell Annabeth everything. He couldn't believe how excited he was. Once he got home, he raced inside. He found Annabeth in her room. Her cheeks were both red. "Anne?" he asked a bit worriedly, "Are you okay? Your face is a bit red. Is it because of the slap?" Annabeth shook her head.

"I just read something happy that's all." said Annabeth with a genuine smile on her face, "How did your date go?"

"It went great actually. She kissed me." Illumi said with a bit of a blush going across his cheeks as he thought about the kiss. Annabeth's eye lit up like stars.

"She did?!" Annabeth yelled. Killua came rushing to her room when he heard Annabeth scream.

"Are you okay, sis?!" said Killua worriedly.

"They kissed!" said Annabeth excitedly, "Illu and Paku kissed!" Killua sat next to Illumi and Annabeth sat on the other side of Illumi.

"Are you going to see her again?" asked Killua.

"Are you guys dating now?" asked Annabeth.

"Are you going to her place next?" asked Killua. Annabeth and Killua continued to bombard Illumi with continuous questions. After the one hundredth question, Illumi fell back onto the bed.

"I think we've asked enough questions." said Annabeth as her and killua sweatdropped. Killua nodded in agreement. Then, Annabeth remembered about Hisoka coming over the next day. "Before I forget, Illu, Hisoka is coming over tomorrow. He wanted me to help him with his math." said Annabeth. Illumi shot back up.

"That's fine. Make sure your room is clean. If he tries something you don't like scream." said Illumi. Annabeth nodded.

"Yeah! Me and Illu will come in swinging!" said Killua with a giant grin on his face. Annabeth chuckled as the boys left her room.

"Annabeth seems to be a better mood lately." said Illumi as he and Killua walked down the hall.

"Yeah. Do you think it has anything to do with her head injury? I thought Hisoka played a big part in it." acknowledged Killua.

"I'd like to believe it's Hisoka but she's been happier and bolder. It must be the injury." chimed Illumi. Killua went inside his room and Illumi went to his. The night came to a peaceful end.

Shy (Hisoka x OC) (AU)Where stories live. Discover now