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The four got something to eat. Illumi returned to his natural pale color. He lost the traumatized look in his eye and spoke again.

"What did you think of the roller coaster?" Killua asked Illumi. Killua was responded with Illumi slowly turning his head to reveal a vengeful look in his eye. Before Annabeth realized what happened, Illumi was chasing after Killua, leaving Elliot and Annabeth alone.

"What was that about?" Elliot asked puzzled.

"It's nothing to worry about," Annabeth said as she continued eating, "Illumi is just going to kill Killua for making him go on that roller coaster. Illumi can handle himself on small rides but god forbid you put him on a roller coaster." Elliot was a bit shocked at how calm Annabeth was.

"For crying out loud, her brother just ran out chasing her other brother to kill him." Elliot mused as he watched Annabeth eat. Annabeth looked up at noticed Elliot's stares. She smiled up at Elliot reassuringly.

"Killua is faster than Illumi. He'll be fine. Not to mention, he small and running through a crowd. Illumi would have a hard time finding him the moment, Killua gets out of the building" Elliot found comfort in Annabeth's words. Elliot looked at his watch and smiled.

"Are you done eating? There's something I want to show you." He said trying to contain his excitement. Annabeth wiped her mouth and nodded. Elliot took her hand and led her out of the eatery.

"His hand is so big. Almost like it swallows mine." Annabeth thought to herself, "It feels warm. Comforting. Not awkward or nerve-racking like Hisoka's. This one feels natural." Annabeth smiled as she followed Elliot. He led her out of the carnival into some nearby trees and shrubs. He led her up a hill where they could overlook the carnival. "Why are we all the way up here?" Annabeth asked curiously.

"You'll see," Elliot said with a happy, childish smile on his face. Annabeth was about to question him more but she heard a whistling noise. She looked down at the carnival. There she saw fireworks being shot into the air.

"The firework show at the end of the carnival." Annabeth mused. She watched in fascination as the fireworks were continuously shot into the air. Each color shone brightly on her eyes. Elliot took notice her fascination.

"Annabeth," Elliot said as he tightened his grip on her hand. Annabeth was a little surprised. Elliot never used her name. She could feel his hand squeezing hers and the blood rushing her face.

"Yes?" she said as she turned to look at Elliot.

"There's another reason I brought you here," Elliot said in a rather serious manner, "I want to tell you... I love you, Annabeth Zoldyck."


"Before you say anything else," Elliot cut in, "I want you to know I'll never scare you or worry you the way he did. I'll never hurt you. I'll treat you the way a girl like you deserves to be treated. Annabeth, you're a shy, sweet girl who cares deeply for others. Other people don't see that. I do. I love how you get so shy when you're in public and the face you make when you have a pastry in your hand. It's pure happiness if I ever saw it. I hope I can be another source of happiness for you." Elliot looked at Annabeth with nothing but deadly seriousness in his eyes. Annabeth could feel her heart racing. She could tell he was nothing like Hisoka. He was sincere. She was comfortable around him. She rarely felt nervous around Elliot. He was able to walk through her walls, unlike the others who had to smash their way through.

"I want to be with you," Annabeth said softly. Elliot looked up at her in disbelief. "I don't want to live in fear. I trust you. That means more to me than saying I love you. I trust you with my heart, my mind, and myself as a whole." Elliot broke into a smile and pulled Annabeth into a hug. Annabeth pulled back and stood on her tippy toes. She pulled Elliot down and kissed him. When they departed, Annabeth broke into a cheerful smile that couldn't be broken. She leaned her head on Elliot's chest. "I love you," she said.

"I love you too."

Shy (Hisoka x OC) (AU)Where stories live. Discover now