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Hisoka woke up in the nurse's office. His head was pounding and his body was sore from the beating he got from Elliot and Illumi. Machi was sitting next to his bed. He groaned in pain.

"What happened?" he asked hoarsely.

"You fucked up." said Machi, "You hurt the most innocent girl in the world."

"No. That can't be true." said Hisoka, "That couldn't have been me." Machi clenched her teeth in anger.

"How the hell not?!" yelled Machi. Chrollo walked in looking for Machi. He put his hand on her shoulder and she stormed out. Chrollo looked at Hisoka and sighed.

"We would all fight for you...." said Chrollo, "but this time.... You hurt the wrong person." Chrollo left the office, leaving Hisoka to his thoughts. He tried to remember what happened between him and Kara. He knew that the other times were of his own choice. However, this time was different. He never wanted to hurt Annabeth.

"All I can remember is drinking with Annie. Then, waking up half naked. I know I had sex with Kara. Why can't I remember?" Hisoka's thoughts lingered to Annabeth. He thought about her when she was happy around him. He couldn't help but smile. Then, he thought about how she had been hurting for the past few days. "I need to talk to her. Illumi will probably be hovering over her like her shadow for a while." Hisoka shook his head, "No. That shouldn't matter. I need to explain myself. Kara must've manipulated me somehow." Hisoka made up his mind. He was going to talk to Annabeth by any means necessary. He wanted to prove to her that he isn't just a playboy.

At the Zoldyck house, Annabeth locked herself in her room. Killua and Illumi weren't on speaking terms. They were arguing up until they got home. Annabeth ran upstairs and locked herself in her room. The two stopped arguing upon hearing the door slam. She refused to come down for any meal or school. Pakunoda tried getting her to come out. However, it proved to be useless. Elliot tried to talk to her. The only response he got from her was to go away. Elliot felt a bit shocked. He never heard her speak to him like that.

"You're just trying to cozy up to me so you could get me." she said. Elliot was taken aback. He knew that she knew what he did. She wouldn't talk to Illumi or Killua. Illumi was considering calling his parents. He wasn't sure how to deal with this situation. He's never seen Annabeth this uncooperative before. It tore him to pieces knowing he didn't do anything and now she wouldn't let him do anything.

"This is all my fault." Illumi said to himself. He was at a complete and utter loss.

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