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The lunch bell soon rang. Annabeth was the last in her class again. She didn't bring a lunch this time so she went to the cafeteria. She got in line. She got a slice of pizza with some fries and pudding. Most of the students ate in the cafeteria. Annabeth was walking in the empty halls. She was hoping that she wouldn't run into Kara again. She quickly got to the roof to meet with Killua. When she opened the door, she was a bit surprised to see Elliot with Killua. Killua looked at Annabeth.

"Hey, Anne." said Killua. Elliot looked up and saw Annabeth. He smiled at her.

"Hey, Tiny." said Elliot.

"I didn't know you knew my little brother." said Annabeth. Killua was a bit surprised. He didn't think Annabeth would talk at all around Elliot.

"Yeah. He's a cool kid. I met him at the beginning of the year. We used to hang out quite a bit too before I got suspended." said Elliot.

"I didn't know you two even knew each other." said Killua. When Annabeth sat down next to Killua, he saw the bandages on her forehead. "What the fuck, Anne? What happened to your head?" asked Killua worriedly.

"I found her getting beat up by Kara Yuki." said Elliot. Killua looked at Annabeth.

"She's still bothering you?" asked Killua. Elliot's eyes widened in shock.

"Wait a minute. Still? As in this has been going on for who knows how long?" asked Elliot.

"Yeah. Just last Friday, she 'fell' down a flight of stairs and got a concussion." said Killua. Elliot stood up menacingly.

"I'll be right back." said Elliot as he walked to the stairwell. Annabeth and Killua exchanged looks and quickly followed Elliot.

"Elliot! Wait!" yelled Killua.

"Don't try to stop me, Kil." said Elliot. Killua ran up in front of Elliot.

"You just got back from suspension. Is it really worth getting in trouble again?" said Killua.

"You're just going to let this shit happen to your sister?" said Elliot angrily.

"Of course not but-"

"Then, get out of my way." said Elliot as he walked around Killua. Elliot bursted into the cafeteria.

"Hey, Yuki!" yelled Elliot. Kara stood up and saw Elliot walking towards her. He grabbed Kara by her shirt. Kara looked at Elliot fearfully. "Why the fuck are you picking on Annabeth Zoldyck? What the hell has she ever done to you?" yelled Elliot. Everyone turned their attention to Elliot and Kara. Including, Hisoka, his group of friends, and Illumi. Annabeth and Killua were peeking into the cafeteria through the doors. They could see and hear everything.

"That dumb whore is trying to steal Hisoka away from me!" Kara yelled back.

"You bitch!" yelled Elliot. He was about to punch her when the loudspeaker went off.

"Kara Yuki and Hisoka Morou. Please report to the Principal's office immediately." Elliot looked at the loud speaker and back to Kara Yuki to see a smug smile on her face. He narrowed his eyes.

"Tch. You got lucky bitch. If I find out you hurt her again, I'm coming after you." said Elliot as he threw her down and stormed out of the cafeteria.

"I wasn't expecting that." said Chrollo.

"Me either. I thought he was coming back next week." said Feitan. Hisoka glared at Elliot. Feitan noticed his death-like stares. "What's your problem?" asked Feitan.

"Nothing. I'm going to the principal's office. I'll be back later." said Hisoka as he walked out of the cafeteria. Hisoka looked down the hall and saw Annabeth walking with Killua and Elliot. He glared at Elliot and turned his back to walk to the principal's office.

"You think he's jealous?" asked Machi as she leaned her head on Chrollo's shoulder.

"Elliot just stood up to Kara Yuki for Annabeth Zoldyck. I'd say so." said Shizuku.

In the hallway, Annabeth was with Killua and Elliot.

"You didn't have to do that for me." said Annabeth as she looked down.

"If I did, then no one else would." said Elliot.

"I appreciate it. Thank you, Elliot." said Annabeth with a sincere smile on her face. Killua watched the two in amazement.

"He was able to break down her walls in a matter of hours." Killua thought to himself, "Hisoka spent years trying to do what Elliot just accomplished." A wry smile filled Killua's face as he watched Annabeth talk with Elliot. "Hisoka, you have serious competition.... And he's already miles ahead of you."

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