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Saving Elliot from Silva's heavy stare was another knock at the door. Silva opened the door to see Hisoka standing on the porch.

"Ah Hisoka," Silva spoke casually, "I see you were invited as well. Come in," Silva stood aside, welcoming Hisoka into his children's home. Annabeth and Hisoka locked eyes for a second.

"I'm going to go get Kalluto," Annabeth briskly before jogging upstairs to get her baby brother, leaving Elliot and Hisoka alone. The air around them turned heavy and dense. The two stared menacingly at each other. Hisoka's lips curled into a smirk. Elliot slowly reached for the small gun he always kept on him.

"Tsk tsk," Hisoka teased, "It's rude to kill someone else's guest," Elliot narrowed his eyes and returned his hand to his side. Illumi came down the stairs to see Elliot glaring daggers at Hisoka.

"Hisoka," Illumi called out. Hisoka smirked again as he looked back at Elliot and walked towards Illumi.

"What is it?" Hisoka asked.

"Don't provoke him," Illumi warned, "He's more dangerous than he seems,"

"I know. The boss hired him and his brother," Hisoka said. Illumi looked over at Elliot, who was now conversing with Killua.

"Come with me," Illumi said. Illumi and Hisoka walked upstairs. "What do you mean hired?"

"You didn't know?" Hisoka asked, "That gorilla and his brother are notorious in our world. Other groups hire them for extermination purposes." Suddenly, it clicked. Memories of Illumi's parents warning him and his siblings to stay away from the Carpenters. How the brothers were known to be vicious, skilled, and incredibly dangerous. Illumi glanced at the room where Annabeth and Kalluto were. He debated to himself whether or not he should tell his sister that her boyfriend is a murderer for hire. The door opened. Annabeth walked out with Kalluto in her arms. Annabeth stopped seeing Hisoka and Illumi together. Her eyes darkened as she stared at Hisoka. Without saying a word to either of them, she quickly strode past them.

"You're not going to tell her?" Hisoka asked with the same devilish look in his eyes.

"Kalluto will warn her," Illumi responded.

"How would he know any of this?" Hisoka asked curiously. Illumi chuckled.

"There's a reason Kalluto goes with my parents instead of staying here," Illumi spoke, "He's highly intuitive and highly accurate. My parents have him with them for their line of work. If he senses something off with Elliot, he'll tell Anne. The same could be said with you. His intuition will decide my parents' favor."

"Isn't it ridiculous to rely so much on a child's intuition?" Hisoka questioned.

"You might think so. However, there have been too many situations where Kalluto was right for us to doubt him." Illumi reasoned, "Let's get downstairs. Dinner should be ready," The two turned around to see Kalluto standing at the top of the stairs, staring directly at Hisoka with his huge, doll-like eyes. He pointed at Hisoka.

"Don't hurt my sister, again," Kalluto hissed before walking back down the stairs. Hisoka, somehow, got paler. He looked over at Illumi.

"I told you," Illumi said as he walked downstairs.

"He looked like he was staring into my very soul," Hisoka thought to himself as he hesitated to walk downstairs, slightly fearful of the young Zoldyck. Everyone was seated at the table eating the food.

"Elliot," Kikiyo spoke, "Why don't you tell us about yourself?" Elliot panicked for a second.

"Well, I'm a student in the same class as tin- I mean Annabeth," Elliot started, "I live with my brother in our parent's house not too far from here," Illumi raised an eyebrow at Elliot's statement.

"What do your parents do?" Silva asked curiously. Elliot rubbed the back of his head.

"Well, um sir," Elliot stammered, "They both died while my brother and I were young. So we've had to rely on each other."

"What does your brother do?" Kikiyo asked curiously.

Elliot began to sweat. He knew he couldn't say what he and his brother actually do. 

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