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During the five days that Hisoka was dead to the world, he was held up in his apartment. When Elliot had punched him, he had a flashback of the night at the party. He couldn't piece together what it was. When Illumi punched him, more came back to him. Hisoka went home after having gotten a beating from Elliot and Illumi. He tried remembering everything else that happened. He knew that the dream was a drunken memory. He wanted to make things right with Annabeth. However, in order to do that, he had to remember how he got there.

"Why the hell would I sleep with Kara again? I couldn't have been that drunk from one and a half beers." Hisoka thought to himself, "I told myself I wouldn't hurt Annabeth. So what the hell happened?" It bothered him. It bothered him that he want to go to Kara and get the truth from her by any means. However, that would simply make things worse for him. He stayed at his apartment and tried to remember. He was only getting bits and pieces. He remembered going to the bathroom. However, his memory cut out there before skipping to kissing Kara. "I'm missing something. I know I am. I wouldn't just kiss her like that." Hisoka muttered to himself. He shook his head and decided to get something to eat. He opened his cupboard and grabbed a cup. For whatever reason, it rung a bell. He couldn't think of a reason why. Hisoka stared at the cup. For some unknown reason, an image of Kara conniving and plotting smile appeared in his head. He could hear her taunting giggle.

"She won't be yours once she sees this." He heard Kara say Hisoka could see Kara snuggled up next to him naked. She was holding a phone over them to take a picture.

Two more days had passed. When Hisoka finally pieced everything together. He remembered Kara handing Hisoka a cup. He knew there was vodka inside just by the putrid taste.

"That wouldn't make sense. I've drank vodka before. It's never made me that erratic before." Hisoka muttered to himself. The next thing he could possibly think of was that Kara spiked his drink. He quickly rushed to Annabeth's house to try and reason with her. When he was harshly rejected, he went to Chrollo's apartment.

"That doesn't change the fact that your hurt the nicest girl in the world." said Pakunoda. She still felt terrible about not having warned Annabeth about Hisoka.

"It will once you know what happened." replied Hisoka.

"What happened then?" said Uvogin.

"At the party, Kara gave me a spiked drink." said Hisoka. Everyone stared at Hisoka. They were unsure of whether or not to believe him. They know him well enough to know that he would lie to save his skin. However, Kara giving Hisoka spiked drink just to damage his relationship with Annabeth isn't completely out of the question either.

"Why should we believe you?" said Machi coldly as she leaned her head on Chrollo's chest.

"I've been at home for five days just trying to figure out what the hell happened. Ever since I met Annabeth, I've been trying to break down her walls so I could be close with her. Why would I purposely screw that up?" reasoned Hisoka. It still pissed him off how Elliot was able to get close to her within just a few short hours. Somehow, Hisoka was barely able to convince the rest of the group.

"Why are you even bothering to tell us? Why not just go to Annabeth?" asked Shalnark. Hisoka felt a stabbing pain in his chest at the mention of Annabeth's name.

"Where do you think I just came from?" Hisoka shot back, "She completely rejected me and kicked me out. Her eyes were cold and dark. Nothing like how they use to be. It was all my fault."

Shy (Hisoka x OC) (AU)Where stories live. Discover now