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Annabeth could hear the front door shut. She quickly jumped out of bed realizing that it was her father.

"Dad?" Annabeth asked, "Are you home?" Silva chuckled as Annabeth came racing down the stairs.

"Yes. Are you ready for lunch?" Silva asked. Annabeth nodded excitedly before running back up to her room to grab her shoes.

"I'm going to lunch with papa," Annabeth told Illumi before running back down to Silva. The two left happily as ever, leaving Illumi alone in his sister's room. Illumi found himself alone in the house. His mother took Kalluto on some errands and Killua left to see Gon. Illumi moved the coffee table and began working out, starting with some push-ups. His work was interrupted by a knock on the door.

"Were they expecting someone?" Illumi thought to himself as he went to the door. He opened the door to see Pakunoda standing there. Illumi was more than a little shocked. With everything that happened recently, he forgot about her. "Hey," Illumi said softly, unsure of what else to say.

"Are you able to talk right now?" Pakunoda asked. Illumi nodded and stepped aside, allowing her to enter the house. Pakuoda sat on the couch. "How's Annie doing?" Pakunoda asked, "I heard she's dating Elliot now."

"She's better and she is," Illumi responded sitting next to Pakunoda.

"I feel terrible. I knew about Hisoka and I neglected to warn her," Pakunoda said looking away from Illumi.

"I'm no better. I saw him as a friend and not my sister's boyfriend. I want to apologize to you as well. I know I haven't fair to you. I think you should find someone who'll put you first," Illumi said looking Pakunoda in her eyes. Her eyes dropped. "I'm sorry, Paku."

"No, it's okay. I came here with the same intention," she said standing up. Illumi walked Pakunoda to the door. "Give Annie my best. I'll see you at school," Pakunoda said extending her hand to Illumi.

"I will," Illumi said taking Paku's hand and bringing it to his lips, placing a gentle kiss. Pakunoda smiled as Illumi gently let go of her hand. Illumi shut the door as Pakunoda began walking away from him. Illumi leaned his back against the wall and slid down. He's never felt such sadness wash over him like this before. He shook his head to snap himself out of it. "I did the right thing. I have to look out for my family. I can't give her the attention I should give her," Illumi muttered to himself as he pushed himself up from the floor and dragged his feet up the stairs back to Annabeth's room. 

Meanwhile, Pakunoda was no better. Initially what she wanted to tell Illumi was that she'd be there for him and Annabeth. However, when Illumi broke up with her, in a single crack, her heart broke in two. I swallowed to hold back her tears from overtaking her face.

"I understand," Pakunoda thought to herself, "His family comes first. I have to respect that," However, tears started flooding her face like waterfalls.  

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