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Elliot burst into the cafeteria. He scanned the room looking for Hisoka. He found him sitting with Illumi, Pakunoda, and the rest of their friends. He marched up to Hisoka. He pulled him up by the collar of his shirt. Without skipping a beat, he punched Hisoka so hard that he flew across the cafeteria. Elliot walked up to him angrily. He was about to continue when Phinks and Illumi held him back.

"You son of a bitch!" he yelled, "She let you in her life and you return the favor by fucking Kara!" Illumi stopped. He looked over at Hisoka with a murderous look in his eye.

"You did what....." said Illumi in a dangerously low tone. He let go of Elliot, leaving Phinks to hold on to him by himself. He pulled Hisoka up to his feet. He kicked Hisoka in the balls. When Hisoka was on his knees holding himself in pain, Illumi kicked him in the face. "IF I EVER SEE YOU NEAR MY SISTER AGAIN, I'LL KILL YOU!!!!" Illumi shouted as he left the cafeteria to find Annabeth. Hisoka laid on the floor. He was partly unconscious and partly in shock. He didn't think Annabeth knew about it. He could feel Nobunaga and Phinks lift him up and carry him to the nurse's office.

"You idiot." muttered Phinks, "This is the only one you can't fix or push under the rug." Pakunoda felt bad. She wanted to warn Annabeth but she never got the chance to. She wanted to find Annabeth and apologize to her. She knew Hisoka wasn't necessarily a good guy and she did nothing about it.

Illumi found Killua and Annabeth sitting in the staircase. The two siblings turned around to see Illumi.

"Why didn't you tell me?" said Illumi as he stood over his two siblings, "Why didn't you tell me he did that?!" he yelled angrily, "I thought we told each other everything!!" Killua stood up.

"Would you shut the hell up!!!" he yelled back, "How could she have told you anything? Neither of us hadn't seen you in days because you were always with Pakunoda. How could either of us have told you anything?!" Annabeth looked at Killua. She's never seen him so mad. Annabeth put her hand on his shoulder.

"Calm down, Kil." she said quietly.

"No!" he yelled, "Illumi shouldn't be talking. When the hell was the last time either of us had seen him since he started dating Pakunoda?!" He looked back at Illumi. He grabbed Annabeth's hand and dragged her away from him. "Come on, Anne." he said without giving her a chance to respond before pulling her down the hall and to the roof. Illumi was quiet. He heard footsteps behind him. He turned around to see Hisoka's group of friends.

"Are you here because I beat the shit out of him?" said Illumi gravely. Chrollo shook his head.

"Not necessarily." he said calmly. There was no resentment in his voice. "None of us blame you for doing that to him."

"However," Machi cut in, "If you do it again..."

"We will retaliate." said Feitan. Illumi nodded in agreement. The group walked off, leaving Illumi to his thoughts.

Killua and Annabeth were on the roof. He was comforting his sister when he heard the door open. He looked up and saw Pakunoda. He got up and stood in front of his sister.

"Are you here for Illumi?" he said defensively. Pakunoda shook her head.

"No. I'm here to apologize." she said calmly, "I knew Hisoka wasn't good dating material. I had intentions of warning you but I didn't do it. For that, I'm sorry." Killua had a bit of a shocked look on his face. He wasn't at all expecting his brother's girlfriend to apologize. Annabeth stood up. She stopped fighting the tears. The droplets rolled down her face. She hugged Pakunoda and began sobbing. Pakunoda hugged her back and comforted her.

Shy (Hisoka x OC) (AU)Where stories live. Discover now