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The next morning, Illumi woke up on Elliot's couch with Pakunoda wrapped in his arms. He groggily wiped his eyes and sat up before remembering his sister.

"Oh shit! Annabeth!" Illumi thought to himself.

"Before you say anything, I already made sure she got home safely." said Elliot as he recognized the look on Illumi's face. Illumi sighed in relief.

"Hisoka didn't take her?" asked Illumi curiously.

"No. He got drunk and started acting like a dick so I made sure Annabeth got home safely." replied Elliot Illumi nodded in understanding, "We were gonna go to you but you were sucking face with Pakunoda and neither of us had to social skills to interrupt you." Elliot snickered. Illumi rolled his eyes.

"At least, you got my sister home safely. Thanks. Are we the only ones left here?" asked Illumi.

"I haven't checked the bedrooms. Mostly out of fear of what I'm going to find. There's a reason the music was blaring." said Elliot as he shuddered, "If you check the bedrooms, I won't make you help clean up." said Elliot in almost a pleading voice. Pakunoda woke up and groaned.

"My head is pounding." she said hoarsely as she sat up. She looked around and sat up. "What's going on, Illu?"

"You have to check the bedrooms to see if anyone else is left." said Elliot quickly. Illumi shot Elliot a glare. However, Elliot didn't even flinch. Illumi sighed irritatingly to himself.

"No you don't. We are going to help clean up. I'll go check the bedrooms." said Illumi. Elliot smiled knowing he didn't have to see the mess in any of the bedrooms. Most of the bedrooms were empty. Illumi checked the last one and found Hisoka naked in the sheets. "Oh god." Illumi said in disgust, "Get up, you moron." said Illumi as he pulled Hisoka out of the bed. Hisoka groaned and held his head.

"That's not very nice, Illumi-san." said Hisoka as he tried to ignore the pounding in his head.

"Where's my sister?" asked Illumi angrily.

"Annie-chan is...." he trailed off. He couldn't remember much of the previous night. The last thing he remembers is sharing a drink in the kitchen with Annabeth. "How odd. The last thing I remember was drinking with Annie-chan last night with you and Paku."

"You got drunk and started acting like a jackass. Elliot took Annabeth home. You were supposed to look out for her. You better apologize. Please shower. You reek of alcohol and sweat." said Illumi.

"Did I really drink that much?" Hisoka asked, "I'm sure I only had one beer when Annabeth showed up. The second one I shared with her. I couldn't have gotten hammered from just that, right? I did have a rather putrid dream. I was ploughing Kara." Hisoka shuddered at the thought.

"How the hell would I know. Please don't tell me about your dreams. They always mentally scar me." said Illumi as he walked out of the room. Hisoka got dressed and went down stairs.

"Was he the only other person left in the house?" asked Elliot. Illumi nodded. Elliot rolled his eyes and looked to Hisoka. He handed him a garbage bag. "Seeing as your here, you're going to help clean up." said Elliot. He leaned into Hisoka's ear, "Be glad I didn't tell Illumi what you did to his sister. I got a good hit in so I'll take that as payment." Elliot went to Illumi and Pakunoda. Hisoka put his hand to his head as he stared at Elliot's back.

"Oh my god..." he said worriedly under his breath, "What did I do to her?" Hisoka didn't want to wait for an answer. He burst out of the house and began running to the Zoldyck house. "Is that why I woke up naked in the sheets? I hope I didn't do what I think I did. I hope she's okay. I hope I didn't hurt her. Please tell me I didn't hurt her. Annie, please be okay."

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