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"She's really shy." said Chrollo as he wrapped his arm around Machi.

"Yeah," chimed Nobunaga, "I doubt she'd enjoy hanging out with us."

"I know her brother. He's real protective of her." said Feitan.

"I think I can convince her to hang out with us." said Pakunoda cheerfully.

"Are you sure?" said Shalnark.

"You did almost suffocate her." said Machi as she rested her head on Chrollo's chest. Everyone nodded in agreement.

"Guess we'll see and find out." said Phinks. Annabeth sat on the roof with her little brother Killua eating their lunch.

"What took you so long anyway? You're usually here before I am." said Killua.

"Sorry. Hisoka tried introducing me to some of his friends. Long story short, I almost died." said Annabeth.

"Don't over exaggerate. You'll get over your shyness." said Killua.

"That's not it. One of them hugged me. I was being suffocated by her giant boobs." said Annabeth as she shivered. Killua began laughing.

"It's not funny, Kil. If you were in my shoes, you'd know what I mean." said Annabeth.

"If I were in your shoes, I would've enjoyed it." said Killua with a bit of blush in his cheeks. Annabeth punched his arm.

"Don't be a perv!" yelled Annabeth. Killua rubbed his arm. Annabeth took a bit of her lunch.

"Y'know, Anne," said Killua as he chewed his food, "I think Hisoka likes you." Annabeth nearly choked on her food. She felt her face turn red from embarrassment and nearly dying once more.

"Are you out of your mind? That's impossible." said Annabeth.

"He chose to sit with you. He tries to break down your walls. He introduced you to his friends. He waits for you and Illu-nii every morning and walks you both home." said Killua.

"That's all just because I'm his best friend's sister. He's simply being nice." said Annabeth,

"Alright then. Well, I'm done eating. I'll see you at home." said Killua as he packed up his stuff.

"Bye, Kil." said Annabeth. Killua closed the door behind him and walked down the hall. As he walked down the empty halls, he saw Hisoka leaning against the lockers.

"Well?" said Hisoka.

"I brought up the idea like you told me to but she doubted it." said Killua.

"What did she say?" asked Hisoka.

"In short, she thinks you're only nice to her because your friends with Illu-nii." said Killua.

"Did you try convincing her?" asked Hisoka.

"A little. Just stuff I noticed." replied Killua, "I did my part, so pay up." Hisoka pulled out his wallet and gave Killua fifty dollars. "Nice doing business with ya'" said Killua before walking away.

"Did you seriously pay my little brother to tell my sister that you like her?" asked Illumi as he walked out of a classroom.

"All I did was have him bring up the idea." replied Hisoka with a sly grin on his face.

"You need to grow a pair." deadpanned Illumi.

"This coming from the guy who won't confess to Pakunoda? You're sister got farther than you during their first meet than you ever have since you've known her." retorted Hisoka with his tongue sticking out.

"I saw that too." said Illumi as he blushed, "Besides, I told you I don't want you dating my sister."

"Remind me again as to why not." said Hisoka.

"All you do is play girls. Whether you fall for them or they fall for you. You get bored too fast and end up breaking their hearts. I don't want you doing that to my sister. She's shy enough as it is without you throwing her into the eyes of the other girls in school." said Illumi, "Also do you really think she'll be okay with dating you when every girl you've gone out with has gotten some sort of angry letter or 'accident' from that crazy ex-girlfriend of yours, Kara Yuki?" Hisoka looked down. "You're a good friend to me and her but you'd be a terrible boyfriend to her. There are already rumours going around that you like her. I hope Kara hasn't heard any of them." said Illumi. Annabeth finished eating her lunch. She packed her stuff and began walking back to her classroom. She was about to walk down the stairs, someone called out to Annabeth.

"Hey, you!" Annabeth turned around to see one of her classmates. Her name is Kara Yuki.

Shy (Hisoka x OC) (AU)Where stories live. Discover now