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"Hey, you!" Annabeth turned around to see one of her classmates. Her name is Kara Yuki. She's one of Hisoka's many ex-girlfriends. Although, this one has definitely proved to be the craziest. Kara has long, beautiful, brown hair. She wears a bunch of makeup that makes her look older than she is. She has pretty blue eyes. She's taller than Annabeth. She's really thin. Although, Kara's breasts are smaller, she doesn't get teased about it. While Annabeth is short. She has raven, black hair that goes a little past her shoulders. She has grey eyes, similar to Illumi's. She doesn't wear makeup. Annabeth isn't as thin as Kara but she doesn't exactly have a lot of meat on her bones. Annabeth has bigger breasts but she gets picked on more for it by other girls along with boys. "I heard that you're the new girl that Hisoka is after." Annabeth didn't know what to say. She felt herself freeze. "It's beyond any human knowledge to know why he would want you. I'm telling you now to stay away from him." said Kara. "You're so short and quiet. Not to mention, why would anyone go for those two floppy things on your chest?" Annabeth looked away in embarrassment. Then, she felt two hands on her shoulders. She felt herself fly into the air. She felt a sharp pain in her back as she made contact with a wall. The last thing she heard was Kara's laughter. "That'll teach that little bitch to keep away from my Hisoka." Hisoka and Illumi were walking through the halls. Kara seen the two coming towards the stairs and ran.

"Come on. At least talk to Paku." said Hisoka.

"I don't have time for that anyway. I have to study." said Illumi. They were about to go down the stairs. Their eyes widened to see Annabeth unconscious at the bottom of the stairs. "Annabeth!" yelled Illumi before running down the stairs to help his sister.

"Do you see what I mean? She's not even dating you and her being bullied is getting worse." said Illumi as he picked up his sister.

"I didn't know she gets bullied." said Hisoka.

"She didn't tell me. I found out because the principal called me in. He knew our parents were out of the country so he figured I was the next best thing. She was in the nurse's room unconscious and beaten up." said Illumi as he left Hisoka in the stairwell to take Annabeth to the nurse.

"I didn't know about any of that." he thought to himself. He began walking back to class. He ran into Kara on the way.

"Hey, Hisoka." she said flirtatiously as she threw herself at him, "What do you say to coming to my place? My parents are gone and I have the entire house to myself." Hisoka moved Kara away from him.

"I'm busy." said Hisoka before continuing his short walk back to class.

"Ugghh." Kara said angrily before going back into class. When Hisoka sat in his seat, he felt rather lonesome without Annabeth sitting next to him. Granted, she hardly made conversation with him and she was also staring out the window. Although, he missed her shy presence. Annabeth woke up in the nurse's office.

"What happened?" she mumbled to herself.

"Don't force yourself to get up. You have a small concussion." Annabeth looked over to see Illumi sitting next to the bed, "What happened?" he asked.

"I fell." replied Annabeth.

"Don't lie to me. You're not that clumsy. What the hell happened?" asked Illumi.

"I-i was pushed." replied Annabeth as she looked down. Illumi sat on the bed next to her and hugged her.

"Come on. The nurse said I could take you home once you woke up. Let me help you up. If you have to, hold on or lean on me for support." said Illumi in a gentle voice that he only uses when he's around Annabeth.

"Thanks, Illu." said Annabeth. Annabeth caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror. The top of her head was wrapped in bandages. She found herself leaning onto Illumi for a bit of support. The hallways of the school were empty. They happened to run into Pakunoda who was ditching class.

"Annabeth!" she said surprisingly, "Are you okay? What happened?"

"Um. I fell down some stairs." she said quietly.

"You poor thing." Pakunoda said as she hugged Annabeth. Annabeth, again, was staring Death right in the chest. Annabeth's face was red once more from lack of air and embarrassment.

"Can't breathe!" yelled Annabeth into Pakunoda's chest.

"Sorry. I can't help it. You're just so adorable like a plush toy." she said with a smile, "Ah, hello Illumi. Are you taking her home?"

"Yes I am." said Illumi with a bit of red in his cheeks, "Come on Annabeth." said Illumi.

"Okay. Bye Paku." said Annabeth. Once they were far enough from Paku, Illumi looked down at Annabeth.

"How do you keep doing that?" asked Illumi. Annabeth looked up at Illumi.

"What are you talking about?" asked Annabeth curiously. Illumi's face turned red.

"Nothing. Let's get you home." said Illumi. Illumi walked Annabeth home. He helped her to her room where she fell asleep for the rest of the day.

"Thank God it's Friday." Annabeth thought to herself before falling asleep. The next morning, Annabeth woke up to see Killua asleep partly on her bed and partly on a chair. Annabeth smiled and ran her fingers through Killua's hair. Then, Annabeth's door opened and Illumi walked in.

"Sorry about him. He insisted on being in here when you woke up." said Illumi.

"It's okay." said Annabeth as she smiled gently, "I don't mind."

"How are you feeling?" questioned Illumi.

"Just tired and a bit hungry. Other than that I'm fine." said Annabeth.

"I'll get you something to eat. Before I forget, the nurse excused, all three of us from school to take care of you until you're better." said Illumi.

"Thanks, Illu." Annabeth smiled a genuine smile, "I couldn't have asked for better brothers than you and Kil. Thank you for always looking out for me." Illumi looked at Annabeth. That was the first time she had a genuine smile on her face in years. He couldn't help but smile in return. Illumi walked down stairs to get some breakfast for himself and his two siblings when there was a knock on the door.

Shy (Hisoka x OC) (AU)Where stories live. Discover now