#6 The first time I saw you

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Y/n Pov:

I woke up the next morning without Jimin next to me.
"That's weird." I rubbed my eyes and sat up. It was still early so I was confused why Jimin wasn't in bed. I got up and slipped inside my house shoes. Last night was amazing but now it was quiet a challenge to walk out of the bedroom or even stand. I held myself up by the wall and limped out of the room. This was a routine all the time after he took me that hard. I walked into the kitchen and saw my man trying to cook breakfast.
"Fuck." He said as he spilled the orange juice. I had to laugh at his cuteness. He turned around and rolled his eyes playfully while cleaning the counter.
"Look at this mess. I wanted to make you breakfast and this happened." He said and rubbed the back of his head. I walked closer to him and stroked his face.
"You are so sweet." I said and gave him a big pack on the lips. He smiled and hugged me tight.

 He smiled and hugged me tight

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"I'm sorry." He said and I was confused for a moment.
"Why?" I asked and looked at his beautiful black eyes.
"I saw you limping. Maybe I took it to far yesterday." He said and buried his face into my neck. I smiled at how worried he was. I loved this side of him just as much as I loved the devil side of him.
"It was amazing." I answered and he chuckled. He lifted his head and looked into my eyes.
"Back then when I first saw you, I already knew that you were that kind of girl. I had to lay just one eye on you and immediately knew you were just as messed up as I am." He smirked and kissed the tip of my nose.
"I guess you look through people right away." I said and also smirked. He chuckled.
"Actually I don't. Or even if I do, I don't care what others think but you caught my attention right away. The way you sat there next to Taehyung, not even caring to look up at the teacher but the moment you saw me, your cheeks started to glow red. You never went with the other girls who tried to flirt with me. You tried to hide it but you couldn't fool me." He said and leaned closer to my ear. I felt shivers running down my back as his hot breath reached my neck.
"I knew from the first day on you will give me a hard time and I couldn't wait for it." He licked my earlobe after he said that. I was standing there with thoughts from our first time meeting. He already noticed me the first day at school. I looked at him and leaned closer to his lips.
"I hope all the trouble was worth it." I smiled at him as I was looking down at his lips.
"Of course it was." He answered and also leaned closer to my lips.

Just when we were only a fingertip away I lightly pushed him away and walked back to the room

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Just when we were only a fingertip away I lightly pushed him away and walked back to the room.
"If you wanna continue this then you better clean this mess up." I winked at him and said playfully. He smiled and I walked back in the bedroom. It was still early so I had some time before I had to get ready for school. I had only 3 lessons and one lecture. This is the best thing in college. I could even stay at home and take classes from home but I actually like going in because of Taehyung and Hyungwon. It is always fun and I like hanging around with them. Also I think college is just fine. I am on Graphic Design major and it is really interesting. Tae and Hyungwon choose the same major, Music, Performance. I wasn't surprised, they are both really good at singing, dancing and even acting. Something I wish. I better stay behind my computer and they can perform.
"Oh I almost forgot." I said and went to my bed to get something out. When I finally found it, I made myself comfortable in my bed again and took my phone out.
"Let's see." I said as I held the peace of paper in my hand that the boys gave me. It were the songs of this J guy. I put my earbuds in and tipped the first song in youtube. As I stared at the video, the graphic caught my attention. It was a really high quality video. My hopes were high now. He started singing and I had to say I was impressed. His voice was unique and also really good. He could hit really high notes but also sing really low. The beat was also great. I was really feeling the song. Finally the singer was on the screen and my eyes grew the moment I laid eyes on him.

 Finally the singer was on the screen and my eyes grew the moment I laid eyes on him

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He had blonde hair with bright blue eyes. I couldn't take my eyes of him. He danced so amazing as if he was doing it his whole life long without any break. His body control was insane and he was very flexible. Not only his dancing was appreciable but also his looks. He was styled really well. Black leather pants and dark blue glitter jacket. His hair was perfectly combed and the huge rings on his fingers were nothing to oversee. I was really amazed. His full lips and beautiful blue eyes caught my attention. This man was really handsome. I would even say, that he was nearly as handsome as Jimin. But this wasn't real. Full face make up and a lot of photoshop. Jimin is naturally perfect. Nothing was real on this J guy. In real life he looked just like a normal kid...Right?...


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