#51 Audition

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Y/n Pov:

I woke up the next morning to my phone ringing. Jimin wasn't laying next to me anymore so I guessed he must have already went to work. It was only 8 in the morning and after that we went to sleep really yesterday, I was still sleepy.
"Jimin must be tired as well. I will make sure to let him rest once he gets home. Maybe I should already cook some lunch. Yeah that would be a great idea." I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn't even realise that my phone just kept on ringing. Once I snaped out of it I quickly grapped it from the night stand. Taehyungs picture was seen on the screen.

 Taehyungs picture was seen on the screen

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I sat up in bed and answered the call.
"Hello?" I asked with a sleepy voice.
"Yeah hey? Where are you?" He asked. Why so curious now?
"At home. Why?" I answered not really understanding why he would even care. Jennie is now more important, isn't she?
"I was looking for you. Aren't you coming in?" I was surprised by his questions. Yesterday he didn't care that much about us.
"No I'm not. I have things to do. Why aren't you calling Jennie? Be worried about her." I hissed at him. To be honest I didn't even know why I was making a scene. He has every right to spend time with someone else or even have a girlfriend it's just...weird I guess. Somehow I felt weird when it came up to her.
"What are you talking about?" Taehyung asked confused.
"You seem to only be caring about her lately. It's just weird that you would even call. What, is she tired of you?" I answered really harshly. It was sto much. I was being a jerk. But I couldn't control myself because I had the feeling that I was loosing him. That I was only on second place now. Selfish isn't it? But my mouth wouldn't shut up.
"Oh for real now? So it bothers you that much that I found someone I enjoy being with? Is this like a payback or something because I wasn't accepting Jimin at the beginning? I get it, you don't want anyone else around you to be happy but you. Everyones attention has to be turned towards you. You are the main character here. Nobody else. Seriously grow up Y/n." And with this he hung up. I was speechless. This was the first time Taehyung spoke like that to me. Not even back then when he found out about my relationship. He really did put me in my place, didn't he? I was being a brat so I deserved it but it took me by surprise that he spoke so easily and was pisse dthis fast. As if these words have been on his heart for a while. Now I was really regretting even saying a word. I should have trusted him. If he says she is alright then it must be true. We can't be friends with everyone and just because I don't like he it doesn't mean that she is a bad person. I felt so bad. Why do I have to open my stupid mouth all the time. But was this actually the way he was thinking about me? Why? Was i this bad of a friend? Am I really always trying to be the main character? This wasn't my intention to do. I am just trying to protect him from getting hurt again. After I saw how he was doing back then I really wouldn't want to see that side of him again. The broken hearted side. It was breaking my heart as well. Oh I messe dup so bad again. Why do I have to be like this. Trying to help but just making things even worse.
"I need to call Hyungwon." I got my phone out again and called Hyungwon.

It took him a while to pick up but eventually he did so

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It took him a while to pick up but eventually he did so.
"What? I'm in class." I could hear him whispering. Guess I called at a bad time.
"Sorry I just wanted to ask if you spoke to Taehyung today." I questioned and hoped that there would be an explanation why he was so frustrated before. I hoped it wasn't actually true what he threw at my head. Although he sounded really serious.
"Yeah I did. He wanted to call and tell you the good news. Didn't he call yet?" I was surprised by his answer. Guess I missed something.
"Well he did but-" It took me a while to continue the sentence so Hyungwon cut me off.
"Oh good. And what do you think? Aren't you proud of us?" That made me really confused and I had no idea what he was talking about.
"What?" I simply asked and hoped he would finally tell me what was going on.
"The audition. We passed. Didn't he tell you? We wanted to celebrate tonight." He finally spat it out and my jaw dropped. I really did miss something.
"Hyungwon what are you talking about?! Taehyung haven't told me anything." I yelled through the phone because I was really getting frustrated now. If it is what I think it is then I am the worst friend ever.
"Weird. He wanted to be the one to tell you. We went to the Hipe Up audition around two months ago and they we got mail yesterday. We both passed. I will send you a photo. Isn't that great?" Hyungwon explained excited and happy while I was staring at the picture he just sent me.

 Isn't that great?" Hyungwon explained excited and happy while I was staring at the picture he just sent me

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Oh fuck. I am the worst friend ever...

 I am the worst friend ever

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