#11 Fresh meat

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Y/n Pov:

College was almost over and I didn't see Hyungwon at all the whole day. Taehyung also only this morning. I wonder what they are up to. Just as I thought this to myself suddenly I saw two tall boys approaching me. Talking about the devil.

 Talking about the devil

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"Hey Y/n

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"Hey Y/n." Hyungwon said as they arrived next to me and sat down on the bench. I was on the campus just doing some essays and listening to music.
"Aren't you freezing. It's winter and you are sitting here outside in just a thin jacket." He continued and I just shrug my shoulder.
"It's okay I don't mind." I answered without even thinking about putting the music on pause. It was way to good for that.
"Yeah sure you don't mind. Just like the last time where Jimin had to carry you inside." Taehyung said. Hyungwon hit his shoulder and put his finger before his mouth. Well I guess he already knew.
"Sorry Y/n. Taehyung told me." He said as he was rubbing the back of his head. I just rolled my eyes and took a bite of my sandwich.
"I am not even surprised." I spoke under my nose to myself.
"Anyway let's change the topic. Guess what. Rose said yes. I was freaking out and to be honest I was also obviously nervous but she still said yes...well after she laughed about me. But it wasn't bad at all we laughed together. And she also said yes to the concert. I am so excited. Wait this means I have a girlfriend now right? This is so weird. I mean not the weird weird but the good weird...like happy weird. You know what I am saying." He wouldn't shut up and Tae and I just sat there not really being able to follow what he was saying.
"Yeah sure... anyways Y/n I have a plan." Tae started and somehow I had a strange feeling. I swear to God if this kid is planning something stupid I will cut his balls off.
"You know that kid Jin. We have seen him a couple of times around here." He continued and I already knew where this was leading to.
"Yeah...what about him?" I asked with a raised eyebrow hoping I would hear what I was thinking I would hear.
"Alright so I happened to talk with him a little during class and he is actually a gym freak and he is also a good singer and good looking and he also likes J." He added and by now I was already holding my head.
"Taehyung just spit it out." I said now little annoyed because I really just wanted to listen to my music.
"Alright. So I asked him if he wanted to come to the concert with us because my beautiful best friend has an extra ticket and he said yes." He smiled brightly at me and I just slapped my hand against my forehead. I knew it so damn well.
"Taehyung this is really the last thing I want right now." I said frustrated and just tried to somehow get out of the situation.
"Why. He is tall and handsome. And his shoulders are huge. And also, fresh meat. He looks like a virgin." Taehyung 0it his hands up to his shoulders to show me how big they actually are but this didn't make any difference for me.
"Taehyung what the hell!!? I just went through a break up like 2 days ago. I am not ready to see anyone yet." I answered and tried to go back and focus on my paper work but of course he wouldn't let loose.
"Well to bad because he is over there waiting for you to meet him." He pointed at a tall guy standing not really far away from us. I snapped and quickly stood up.
"What?! Taehyung what have you done?!" I yell-whispered but he just laughed and looked dove RTO Hyungwon. They both grabbed my arm and started to drag me over to the guy I know nothing about.
"Guys?! No stop it! For real this is not funny." I yelled now for real but of course they didn't stop.
"One day you will thank us." They said and I still tried to get away because we were already just a couple of inches away from him.
"Boys!!" I tell one last time but to late. I was already standing before him.
"Jin this is Y/n. Y/n this is Jin. Alright bye." They say and shortly after that just ran away like little kids. For real why do they always have to bring me in this kind of situations.
"They really like it if it goes how they want it, right?" I hear a chuckle and as I look up I see this Jin guy smiling down at me.

 "They really like it if it goes how they want it, right?" I hear a chuckle and as I look up I see this Jin guy smiling down at me

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"Oh..yeah that's true. You already figured out." I answered with an awkward smile and tipped my two fingers together.
"You wanna sit down?" He asked and I froze. How did I end up like this.
"Oh...well...I mean...yeah whatever." We sit down after I answered and he looks at me still with a smile on his face. His teeth are perfect white and he has amazing skin. It almost looks unreal. His hair is perfectly falling into his eye as he moves his head and his jawline sharpens as he clenches his teeth. The tip of his nose was red because of the cold weather but even that looked good on him. I have to be honest the boys were right he is handsome. Maybe even to handsome...

 Maybe even to handsome

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