#37 Hotel room

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Y/n Pov:

We arrived at the hotel room and as the door opened my mouth almost dropped to the floor. This room was bigger than my whole apartment. Everything looked so fancy and beautiful. It was decorated perfect. I could have stayed here forever.

 I could have stayed here forever

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"Jimin this is insane." I told him as he also stepped into the hotel room and threw his bag on the couch. All he did was smirk.
"Yeah it's alright. I have been in better ones." After he said that sentence I looked over to him confused. He couldn't be serious.
"Are you kidding me? This looks like a dream." I span around happily amd looked at everything in the beautiful room. Jimin stepped closer to me while laughing aty childishness.
"Yeah it really is like a dream." And with that he hugged me from the back and rested his chin on my shoulder. I smiled to myself and hugged his arms wrapped around my body. This was the moment I have been missing the most. The quiet and warm moments with him. It didn't had to be fancy or expensive. Something like this was even more special to me. I loved to be between his arms. I turned around and wrapped my arms around his neck.
"I missed you." I whispered into his ear and that made him tighten his grip around my waist. His warm temperature warmed my body up as well and I never wanted to let go. I never wanted to lose him again.
"Should we take a bath? I am sweaty." Jimin said under his nose as he buried his face into my hair. I slowly nodded and we both walked over to the bathroom hand in hand. As we stepped inside my eyes landed on the sparkling furniture. Everything was covered with gold. Was that real gold? It was still so unbelievable for me that this was the life Jimin was living. He was living a dream and finally I am able to be part of that. Even if just a little, I wanted to be there for him. I wanted to support him in everything he does. He deserves all my love, all my time and all my attention. He deserves everything.
"I will let the water run." And with that he slipped his hand out of mine and walked over to the bathtub to turn the water on. The room for a little steamy because of the warm water and I slowly started to remove the clothes covering my body. Jimin sat down at the edge of the bathtub and watched me with a smirk.

The moment I realized it, I moved closer to him step by step and did every movement extra slow so he could enjoy every second of it

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The moment I realized it, I moved closer to him step by step and did every movement extra slow so he could enjoy every second of it. His eyes were traveling around my body, checking every part of me. My shirt was lifted above my head and Jimin held a hand out with which he stroked over my bare stomach and grabbed my waist really gently. He pulled me closer to him self and looked right at my lips.
"You are so beautiful." He spoke as he brushed my hair behind my ear and held my face between his hands. For this slight second I couldn't say anything. This was not the naughty and perverted Jimin I know. This was a softer side of him. The sparkle in his eyes didn't scream lust. All I could see on him was how much he admired me and how grateful he was to just be able to look at me.

 All I could see on him was how much he admired me and how grateful he was to just be able to look at me

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I placedy hands on his shoulder and leant closer to his face. Slowly I closed my eyes and our lips came in contact once again. There was nothing more amazing to kiss the one you love with so much passion. His grip around me tightened and I was pulled in so my now almost naked body touched his. I moved my hand down to his jeans and just as I was about to open the belt he gently pushed my hand away and broke the kiss. This took me by surprise and I looked up at him confused. Jimin lowered his head before he started to speak.
"Y/n I don't want you to think the only thing I want is sex. I want to have beautiful moments with you that doesn't always end up with us destroying each other. I want to love you in any kind of way and not only like that. You are my woman and you mean everything to me. Let's just enjoy the company of each other." The moment he said these sentences, I could feel my eyes getting teary. And that was not because of the steam. Without thinking twice, I threw my body against his and hugged him really tight. Just then he lost balance and the next moment we both landed in the bathtub. I sat up completely wet but didn't care at all. This was something I have been really missing. Sometimes even throughout our relationship. I felt my tears roll down my face and Jimin whipped them away with his thumb.
"Don't cry. I am sorry that it took me that long to say that and also act that way." He smiled at me with a sad face and I held his hand to my face.
"I love you Park Jimin. I love you so much that it hurts." Iso bed and once again my body met his and we hugged each other in the warm bathtub still with our clothes on. This was a beautiful moment that J would never forget in my life.

 This was a beautiful moment that J would never forget in my life

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