#21 Jacuzzi action

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Y/n Pov:

"Can I?" He asked as he was now staring deep into my eyes. They were so deep but also so light and warm I couldn't look away.

I nodded not breaking the eye contact as he slowly placed his lips on mine

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I nodded not breaking the eye contact as he slowly placed his lips on mine. Somehow it felt wrong but the same time so damn right. Like in a movie. Was I moving on? This fast? Or am I just distracted? That was a possibility too. But maybe I couldn't have really used something new. I let myself go with the flow as he was moving his soft lips on mine. He was a gentle kisser. His lips were soft and warm like pillows. I was already getting lost between his arms. As we were making out without a break I could feel something big under me. It didn't take me long to realize what it was. He was getting hard. I had to quietly laugh in between the kiss. He pulled away and looked at me with a raised eyebrow.
"What's so funny?" Jin asked looking a little insecure that I may laugh about him. Well that was actually the case but not in a bad way. I looked down and now he obviously understood.
"Oh yeah sorry." He laughed awkwardly and now tried to avoid eye contact with me. How cute. I slowly moved my hand down his stomach and placed it right on his hard member. It took him by surprise and looked at me little puzzled. I almost forgot that he is not Jimin and I couldn't just jump on him. He doesn't look that perverted after all. I feel like the really needy one here which was usually the other way around but I liked to be the one teasing. I rubbed his huge dick through his pants and his face was burning in a shade of red but it still didn't stop me. Was I moving to fast? Maybe. But I really wanted it. Or was I just trying to forget about things. Man now I was unsure too. Just as I was about to remove my hand Jin placed one hand on my ass and pulled me even closer to himself. Now we were so close that I could feel his heartbeat.

"You wanna do it?" He suddenly asked and it took me by surprise

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"You wanna do it?" He suddenly asked and it took me by surprise. That he even asks before doing it made me even more surprised. I thought I was moving to fast but now. What was I supposed to answer after he asked like that. I wasn't sure myself. To be honest I wanted to. I wanted to know how it feels with someone else. With someone completely the opposite of him. With someone new. Someone new I also liked.
"Yes." I simply answered and he smiled but I could see in his eyes that he was nervous. Maybe he wasn't sure if it was right or not to do it this fast. He wanted it too though but he was a gentleman. I knew it. I slipped a little back on his lap and slowly pulled his pants down. I was surprised that he was even bigger than Jimin only slimmer. Alright Y/n stop comparing them. You are with Jin now. Jimin is history. Forget it already. I pulled my panty to the side and slowly straightened myself back up. Just as I was about to sit on it he grabbed my waist.
"Are you really sure?" He asked quiet worried and polite because I did move to fast. I slowly nodded and he let go of my waist. After a deep breath I sat down right on his huge erection.
"Ah fuck." I threw my head on his shoulder and he held my back to support me. It was big and I felt like it has been months since I last had sex even though it has been just couple of days. He slowly moved his hips and I started to straighten myself back up. I looked him deep in the eyes and so did he.
"You okay?" He asked as he brushed a strand of hair out of my face with his wet finger.
"Yes." I answered and started to move up and down. It felt so weird to have someone else inside of me. Slowly I started to get used to it and it also started to feel good. He grabbed me really tight around the waist and turned me around in the jacuzzi so that now I was facing away from him. I knew what he was up to. He pulled my ass tight toward himself and slowly entered my pussy from behind. I moaned loud as he started moving in and out with so much lust. Just slowly but very deep. It felt so good. I was enjoying it with my eyes closed.
"Fuck you are so tight." He moaned also as he held me tight and pressed himself deep inside me.

" He moaned also as he held me tight and pressed himself deep inside me

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I could already tell he was the more emotional person. He didn't fuck me he had normal sex with me. Still it felt good. I grabbed his hand which was on my hips and squeezed it hard.
"Ah Y/n." He moaned my name and that made me smirk to myself. He moaned my name. It felt so good. I turned my head to take a look at him but what I saw made my blood almost stop flowing in my body and I forgot how to breath. This couldn't be.


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