#63 Taehyungs help

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Y/n Pov:

I walked inside the cafe and searched for Taehyung.
"Y/n!" Suddenly I heard my name being called and I turned around. There he was sitting at a table and waving at me.

 There he was sitting at a table and waving at me

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I walked over to him and sat down. He already ordered us some hot chocolate.
"Hi." He said and I smiled. I was really happy to have him back.
"So tell me how are you actually?" I asked and he sighed. But this didn't sound like a sad sigh.
"No for real now, I'm really not that upset. It's actually a bit of a relief to be free again. She was kind of possessive. Don't even know why I even got with her. Weird, now saying it out loud it sound really stupid." He laughed awkwardly and I chuckled as well.
"Well we are always smarter afterwards right." I added and with that, the Jennie topic was over. All I want is for him to be happy no matter what so I hope he will find the one for him.
"What's up with you? Is it still because of the comments or is it something else?" He asked while taking a sip of his hot chocolate. He knows me way to well.
"I guess there is something. Yesterday-" Just as I was about to start, I heard whispers next to us.
"That's that girl."
"Yeah so embarrassing. If I were her, I wouldn't even dare to go out." They spoke and I was already annoyed. Great now I actually won't be able to go out anymore at all.
"Ignore them." Taehyung said and gave the girls next to us a glare.

" Taehyung said and gave the girls next to us a glare

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They shut up and looked away. That's what I thought.
"Keep going." He said and I kept on talking.
"Jimin and I had a fight. Well more like I was drunk and yelled at him a bit to loud and now I feel terrible because I told him I don't care if he stays or leaves but I was also so drunk that I saw him in two so I took everything way to serious and now I have no idea what to do." I spat it out and Taehyung almost choked on his hot chocolate.
"Wow that was a lot at once." He said and I laughed awkwardly.
"Well I guess I mess up everything." I added and got a bit upset. For real how was I supposed to fix that.
"I don't know what to do." I said and Taehyung thought for a moment.
"You know that he has a concert today." He said and I looked confused until it hit me.
"Oh my god you are right. I completely forgot about it." How could I even forget something like that. Well I hoped the concert would go well for him after all the drama.
"Let's go there so you can solve things with him." Taehyung suddenly said and I stared surprised.
"Go to his concert? First of all all his fans will be there who hate me and second of all how are we supposed to get in without tickets?" I asked with a raised eyebrow and he smiled. That was a weird smile. That was the Taehyung smile.

"Oh oh what is going on?" I asked and he smiled even more

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"Oh oh what is going on?" I asked and he smiled even more. Did I miss something?
"Just trust me." He grabbed my hand and without finishing the hot chocolate he ran out of the cafe with me in hin hand.
"Taehyung wait! We didn't even pay." I said as he pushed me inside his car.
"Oh. I will come back later." He said and with that shut the door. What was going on here? He sat inside and dried off.
"How do you know where the concert is going to be or if it already started?" I asked and for a moment he seemed like he was searching for an answer.
"It's everywhere on social media. Was hard not to know." He said but for some reason I was still skeptical.
"Kim Taehyung you are acting weird. What is going on?" I hissed at him but all he did was laughing.
"Come on I just want to help you solve what you messed up." He said and I didn't know how to feel about that. It was really nice of him but I didn't even know myself how I should have solve all this or what to say to Jimin. What was I supposed to do when he will be standing right before me. I didn't even know at that moment if he was mad, upset or whatever. Oh Y/n why do you always mess things up.
"Is it far from here?" I asked already nervous and Taehyung smiled.
"30 minutes. The show will start at 7pm so we will be right on time." He explained and I nodded. Well I guess there was nothing holding me back anymore.

Time skip
"Oh my god, oh my god I'm freaking out." I said as we were getting closer and closer.
"Calm down you got this." Taehyung said but it wasn't really helping. Slowly I could hear screaming and the huge Stadium. Sweet Jesus Christ the fans will kill me. I lowered my head and hoped no one would notice me once we drove threw the big crowd of people. Taehyung kept on driving and didn't stop which surprised me.
"Taehyung you are driving pass the Stadium. We are leaving everyone." I pointed at the people which were now disappearing in the back.
"We are not leaving the stadium. We are just going to the back." He smirked at me and I looked confused.
"How do you want to go to the back? Only the staff can go back there." I explained but his smile never disappeared. What was this guy planning again.
"Don't worry." Was all he said. He kept on driving until a security guard stopped us.
"Great. Now we can turn around." I said annoyed and crossed my arms before my chest. The guard walked to Taehyungs window and the two started whispering something. I lent closer to hear it but they were already done. Suddenly the guard stepped to the side and waved for us to keep going. I looked at Tae surprised and confused while he smiled proud.
"What is going on here?"...

"What is going on here?"

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