#9 It's over

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Y/n Pov:

"Concert tickets! It's next weekend. Marry early Christmas." I said with a huge smile but somehow he wasn't excited at all. It almost looked like he wasn't happy about the present.
"Oh baby...I can't go." He suddenly said and my yawn dropped
"...what..." I asked hoping I didn't hear him right.
"It is really a bad timing. I have other plans. And also why do you wanna go to the concert of this kid?" He added and now I folded my arms little frustrated.
"I like his music. He is great. Can't your plans wait a little. I already paid for the tickets. You are always so busy on the weekends so I thought it would be great to shut down for a little and enjoy life." I said as I was starting to get sad.
"I am so sorry but I really won't be able to make it." He continued and I was pissed.
"What plans do you have this time? For real Jimin you act so weird. You never tell me where you go. If you are cheating on me I will kill both of you. Just leave me if you don't want me anymore and don't go behind my back!" I yelled because I was really pissed that we never spend the weekends together. We can never watch a movie together because he is always tired so we always go straight to sleep or we fuck and then we go to sleep. I am sorry but I need more.
"Y/n what are you talking about. I would never cheat on you, I love you. I don't even wanna be near other woman. How could you just think about that?" He asked disappointed.

 How could you just think about that?" He asked disappointed

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I felt a little bad but I was also still pissed.
"I am sorry but you are always out on the weekends and you come home really late and as if a car ran over you. I haven't said anything yet but now I had enough. I don't even know where you are all the time so of course I am assuming you are doing some shit." I continued and he shook his head.
"I will just go shower. We can talk when you calmed down." He just turned his back on me and was about to walk away.
"No! We are going to talk now or you can go home! Who do you think you are going to mess with!" I screamed really loud and now he turned around angrily.
"I am not messing with anybody. Do you think I like it the way it is now?! But I also have a private life!" He yelled louder than me. We were both so angry by now.
"I should be part of your private life but you are out fucking around with some whores!" I tried to scream even louder than him and now I could see his eyes glowing red. Suddenly he gripped my neck and pushed my against the wall.

 Suddenly he gripped my neck and pushed my against the wall

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I let out a little scream. Not because it hurt but because it took me by surprise.
"If I ever cheat on you I make sure you never find out or even assume anything." He said with an angry voice. This bitch. I have to be honest I was little scared of him. He didn't hurt me or anything. He wasn't holding me that tight but the way he looked at me scared me. I never saw him like this before. This angry. It almost looked like his whole presence turned darker. But I still stayed strong. A guy is not going to get me small. Not even the one I love. I leaned closer to his face and talked.
"A cheater is not welcome in this house." I said and now his eyes widened. He let go of me and stepped back.
"What does that mean?" He ask confused and I look at the door.
"I am not going to deal with your stupid secrets and fuck knows wherever you always go so it would be better if you leave." I said with a blank face and he was white as the wall.
"Are you serious now? You really think I cheat?" He added with a sad voice now and I just lowered my head a little.
"You don't even try to convince me that you are not. Or at least tell me where you have to be so yes I think that." I answered still with no emotions. It was hard but I pulled myself together.
"I need to pick my sister up. She is coming back from Seoul." He said now despair but I didn't buy it.
"To late for explanation." I answered and he just stood there not knowing what to do. I was frustrated so I screamed again.
"Just go!" After that he got his jacket and walked to the door. I stood at the wall not moving an inch. He looked back at me with tears in his eyes but still went out of the door.

 He looked back at me with tears in his eyes but still went out of the door

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As I heard the car start I knew he drove off. I slid down the wall and started sobbing like crazy. Is this really how it has to be? Did I overreact? I was so fed up with his secrets and everything that now everything came out at once. Maybe I really overreacted. But I don't want a boyfriend who hides half of his life from me. Is it now over? Oh Y/n what have you done. He must think that I am crazy that I suddenly exploded out of the blue but he doesn't know that I was keeping this inside for so long now. Maybe it really needs to be like that. I never thought that this would be the night where I break up with Park Jimin...

 I never thought that this would be the night where I break up with Park Jimin

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