#25 I hate you

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Y/n Pov:

We sat on my couch watching some Netflix with popcorn. It was a bit awkward after my stupid sentence about Jimin. What was I even thinking. Talking about my ex in front of Jin. Obviously he didn't like it.
"You want something to drink?" I asked him trying to break the silence and he nodded. With that I went into the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of cola and two glasses. I went back to him and pored for both of us some.
"Is it diet coke?" He asked and I looked at him almost disgusted.
"Are you kidding now? You eat as much as a bodybuilder and now you want to care about the coke?" I made fun of him and I could see on him that he got a little shy.
"Yeah okay that was quiet stupid." We both chuckled amd drank the coke. He placed the now half full glass on the desk in front of us and his next action took me by surprise. He laid down on the couch and put his head in my lap. I just sat there shocked with the glass in one hand and the popcorn in the other one. He looked up at me and smiled.

I also tried to but must have looked really dumb

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I also tried to but must have looked really dumb. He opens up so fast.
"You seem comfortable." I said as I placed the bowl of popcorn next to me on the couch.
"I am with you so yeah." His answer made me blush a little. He lifted his head a bit and put his hand on the back of my head pulling me down a little. I knew what he wanted and I didn't mind it. I placed my lips on his and we kissed. It wasn't a very long kiss but it was nice. Jimin would have used this chance to make out with me really hard. Oh my god Y/n stop comparing them to each order finally. This is insane. I can't completely focus on Jin because Jimin won't go out ofy head even for a second.
"You okay?" He asked as we were still really close to each other faces. I nodded amd faked a smile but I guess he didn't really buy it but still stopped asking. Hopefully eventually I will be able to give my focus a hundred percent to him. I didn't wanted to hurt him. The time passed and we finished already two movies. It was late and we were starting to get tired. At least me. I was dying. I yawned and Jin chuckled.

"We should be heading to bed

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"We should be heading to bed." He said and I agreed. My eyelids were so heavy. We got up and went in my room.
"If you wanna take a shower, there is the bathroom." I told him and he nodded and went to wash up. O made the bed and got out a new blanket. He was done and now I went to get ready for bed. As I walked out again he was sitting on my bed with his phone. He saw me and looked up.
"I can sleep outside if you want to. No worries." He started and pointed at the living room. I chuckled. As if it would matter at this point where he sleeps.
"It's okay you can sleep here." I said and laid down. I was so done. We both made ourselves comfortable and I switched off the light on my side.
"Good night." After that I closed my eyes and in like a second I was already asleep. We didn't do anything. Not only because we were tired but also I still had a weird feeling because of last time. Maybe I should had taken things slower. Well it already happened so I couldn't change it anymore.

I woke up still really sleepy. It was still a but dark outside so I assumed I had some more time to sleep. As I was about to lay back down a presens caught my attention. I jumped up just to see what I feared the most.
"You really moved on this fast?" Jimin was standing in my bedroom door with a really sad face.
"J-Jimin I-" Just as I was about to speak Jin woke up.
"Y/n? Why are you up?" He asked and rubbed his eyes.
"Get the hell out of here!" Jimin yelled and now Jin noticed him too. He sat up in bed and looked at me angry and confused.
"What is he doing here?!" He yelled as well and I just stood there not being able to speak or move. It felt like my body froze.
"I knew you didn't move on. I'm leaving." With that Jin got up, grabbed his stuff and left my apartment. Why couldn't I move. I couldn't do anything. Jimin stepped closer to me and whispered in my ear.

 Jimin stepped closer to me and whispered in my ear

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"You are a slut. I hate you." As I heard those words my whole world broke into peaces. He hates me. He hates me. HE HATES ME.

I flinched and quickly sat up in my bed.
"It was just a dream. Jees not even in my sleep would he leave me alone." I held my head as I spoke to myself. Jin was still sleeping next to me. I looked over to him and felt really bad now. Someone will get really hurt at the end and I didn't want it to happen. Specially not because of me. I laid back down and tried to rest a little more.
"Hopefully I won't dream something like that again." With that I closed my eyes and shortly after fell back asleep.

" With that I closed my eyes and shortly after fell back asleep

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