#12 Nice to meet you

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Y/p Pov:

We were sitting there not talking for a hot minute. It was quite awkward not gonna lie.
"Sooo... I assume you are new right?" I finally asked and in my head I gave myself a high five for breaking the silence.
"Oh yeah. I just moved back to Korea. Before I was in New Zealand for a year." He answered as he turned towards me and smiled.

" He answered as he turned towards me and smiled

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That sounded interesting.
"Wow really. And how was it there?" I asked but immediately regretted it. He must hear that question a lot.
"It was great. I could ad to my english skills. And also good to learn about other cultures. But still it's great to be back." He answered as he leaned a little back and looked up in the sky. He must love his home.
"I see." I answered as I looked down at my hands not knowing what to say next. This was awkward again. Great.
"Tell me a little about yourself. How has life been so far?" He suddenly asked and I blushed a little as I looked up at him. He is so nice and so open to meeting new people. Not shy at all. I grabbed the end of my finger as I answered.
"Well it has been okay I guess. I moved out and live on my own now. Well my brother is still helping me with the bills. He lives in Seoul right now but I hope he will come and visit soon. He owns a big company there so he is really busy." I started and he listened looking really interested.
"I see. Did you go to high school here?" He asked and I took a deep breath before continuing. It's new for me to talk to boys like that. Like on a first date I guess.
"Well yeah. I was in the same school with Taehyung and the other boy you just saw. They are my best friends. I know Tae for ages now. Actually he used to be a real troublemaker and maybe he still is a bit but-"
"Y/n." He cut me of mid sentence and looked into my eyes.

" He cut me of mid sentence and looked into my eyes

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He was still smiling.
"Tell me something about yourself. There must be something about you." He added and I blushed again. I was really just talking about others but myself. Am I that boring that not even I, myself know anything to talk about?
"Well... let's see... When I was young I found a cat in our backyard. I gave her food so she would stay. It worked but after a while my brother scared it so she ran away. I was really sad. Hmmm. I high school I wasn't the best student. The teachers actually didn't really like me because I was always out with Taehyung. I was actually quiet popular but still only had Tae and later on Hyungwon as friends. What else... Oh I am terrible at driving. For real I think I passed only because the tester was scared for his life and didn't want to sit next to me ever again because I failed like 4 times. Yeah that was a long process. I am still terrible but I somehow get through." I talked and talked and was so lost in my own speech that I almost forget who I was talking to. As I took a look at him again to make sure he was still there, it took me by surprise that he was smiling at me so brightly. Even chuckled a little.
"So I guess I won't sit next to you when you are driving." He laughed and I also had to laugh a little.
"No better not." Now it wasn't that awkward anymore. Thank God.
"To be honest I was little scared to come back." He suddenly said. That took me by surprise.
"Why that?" I asked not really understanding why he would be scared.
"It has been a year. I thought my friends forgot about me and lived on. It is hard to get used to everything again." He answered. It was quiet sad that he was overthinking this much.
"But I am sure your friends didn't forget you right? They must be happy that you are back." I said with a smile but he didn't seem happy at all. Oh shit.
"Well at the end I was right but whatever. They weren't real friends whatsoever." He simply said with a fake smile. Oh that hurt. I sat there quiet for a second until a thought came to my mind.
"You know...there will be a concert on Saturday. We could go together...I mean...if you want to." I stuttered a little as I asked. How embarrassing.
"That sounds nice. What kind of concert?" He asked now little excited. I looked at him and smiled.
"It's actually a J concert. The boys told me that you also like him." I answered and now he looked really happy.

" I answered and now he looked really happy

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"Oh yes I really like him. I would love to go. I will pay for the ticket." Jin started but I shook my head.
"No don't worry. It's on me. I already have the tickets." I answered happy.
"Well thank you then. I am really looking forward to it." He smiled. I was happy that I could make him smile.
"Do you wanna grab something to eat after college?" He asked a little nervous I could tell. It was kind of cute.
"Yeah sure." I smiled and we both walked back inside the building. Let's see where things will lead us.

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