#23 The talk

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Y/n Pov:

In the morning I really wasn't in the mood to attend college at all. I just didn't want to listen to Taehyung talking non stop about Jin and questioning what we did yesterday. Even so I had to pull myself up and get ready. I did so and went straight to my car after doing my morning routine. While I was already driving to college I was listening to the radio and my favorite song played.
"Alright ladies and gentlemen. Now let's play one of the biggest hits at the moment. I am sure you all know the singer after all he will be performing for us this Saturday. Please enjoy J." The lady at the radio said and I got happy. I didn't even have put Spotify on the music was already good. As I drove I was humming the song and nodded my head. I really couldn't get enough of this guy he was so amazing. Just before I arrived at my college my phone rang. I put it on speaker and answered.
"Hello?" I asked and waited for the answer.
"Y/n? It's me. Pick me up I lost my car key." Taehyung spoke in the phone and I rolled my eyes.
"No. It's your own fault. Why can't you keep the dorm clean. And by the way why haven't you asked Hyungwon?" I questioned.
"He already. You know him he is always way to early. Pretty please I will treat you to a meal." He begged and once again I rolled my eyes. After all that eyeroll it's a surprise that they haven't got stuck yet. Obviously I was already on my way to their apartment.
"Alright. Be ready in 5 minutes." I answered and could hear him cheering.
"Thank yooouu." And after that he hung up. What a kid. And I am dumb and even run after him. Well what could I do. He is my best friend. I arrived at the boys and parked right in front of the door. Shortly after it opened and Taehyung ran out. He jumped inside and closed the door.

 He jumped inside and closed the door

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"Thanks." He said as I already started driving again.
"You should really clean that room of yours. That's the reason you can't find things." I explained but he just chuckled and ate the banana he was holding.
"That's my way of organization. I always know where I have to search for things in my mess." He answered almost sounding proud. That must be a joke.
"Yeah sure makes sense. This is also the reason why you are sitting in my car now." I teased him but he didn't really care.
"Come on Y/n you only live once. I can't waste my time with cleaning up." Taehyung made it clear and I guess he actually meant what he said. Weird boy.
"Anyways let's not talk about my mess. How was yesterday? Did you have fun?" He asked really curious. This was the exact topic I tried to avoid.
"Well you could say that." I answered awkwardly and already knew that he won't stop for a while now.
"What? What is that supposed to mean? Did you guys bake or made out or fuck?! I wanna know." He whined like a kid and I couldn't listen to it any longer.
"Yeah all 3." I simply answered and his eyes widened.
"Yeah right funny Y/n." Taehyung said but I didn't move a face muscle. His yawn dropped while the banana was still in his mouth.

 His yawn dropped while the banana was still in his mouth

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"Did you actually?" He questioned and I nodded a bit. For a second there was silence in the car. He had lost his words. Well I couldn't blame him. Suddenly he started and I just wanted to die.
"Are you kidding me?! Jumping in bed with some guy on the first date?! Did you even use protection?! You are so dumb! I will kill that Jin guy! This was not the reason why I introduced you to him!!" He kept on yelling and I wished I could cover my ears but I was still driving.
"Alright so first off all it was the second date and also it's my decision what I do and I don't regret what happened. It was nice." I spat the words at him and he just brushed through his hair frustrated.
"Y/n for real you started on high school and now continue in college?" Taehyung asked and I lifted an eyebrow. Now I was pissed. This little bitch.
"Are you serious?! I am 20 years old and only been with 2 guys! And also it is my business and nobody can judge me for MY decisions. Just care about yourself and done." I almost yelled pissed. Once again silence. We finally arrived and I parked the car and got out. Taehyung ran after me.
"Alright sorry. You are wright but I am still worried. I just don't want you to get hurt again." I did calm down at his words but there is no need to feel sorry for me or whatever.
"I can take care of myself. Just trust me and know that I will make the right decisions for myself." I told him and after a long sigh he nodded.
"I guess I will have to." He added and with that the conversation was over. Thank God. Hopefully I won't hear about this today anymore.
"Guys!" I heard someone yelling behind us and we both turned around. Jin ran up to us and waved his hand.

 Jin ran up to us and waved his hand

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"Hi you two." He said and we greated him. Taehyung gave him a deadly glare but I stepped on his foot.
"Stop it." I whispered to him quietly but serious and he finally let it be. Cute that he tries so be like my brother but...blessed don't. One Jungkook is enough thanks.

 One Jungkook is enough thanks

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