#32 Filter

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Taehyung Pov:

I ran back to the others and tried to not look to suspicious.
"Taehyung? What's wrong? You look as if you have witnessed a murder." Hyungwon asked and they all looked at me. Oh well that didn't work.
"Oh no it's just...Well...how do I say it." I started but didn't knew what to say yet so it sounded really weird. Hyungwon and Rosa had a confused look on their faces while Jin just looked emotionless.
"Taehyung? What are you saying?" Rose asked and finally I came up with something.
"Y/n brother is over there. She went to say hi." I said and they looked over where I was pointing but obviously saw nothing.
"I thought her brother is famous and lives in Seoul." Hyungwon added and I froze. Great. Why does he have to remember every single detail.
"Y-yeah...that's true but...ahm...he came to help out with the concert. You know he is a producer at BigHit." I continued amd was proud of myself that I made up such a good lie.

" I continued amd was proud of myself that I made up such a good lie

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"I thought he is the owner." Oh for fuck sake Hyungwon shut up already.
"He is both alright. Let's enjoy the concert." I tried to end the question session and just make them listen to the music. As I watched J or Jimin or whatever on the stage it was so weird. It was so weird to watch him after knowing who he really was. I couldn't enjoy it at all anymore. How the hell does this girl always get involved in shit like this. Is this some kind of drama or something. Weird.

Y/n Pov:

I was still standing behind the curtains watching Jimin perform on stage. For some reason I blended out everything and everyone around us and only had eyes for him. It felt like we were the only ones there.
"Everyone this next song is a very new one. I never performed it live before but I guess it is about time. Please enjoy my next big hit Filter." He spoke after the song and the next one started to play. A new song. Suddenly the lights went off and only the middle one was on which was directed on him. His skin was shining perfectly like a doll. I couldn't deny it I was checking him out for a long time under the light.

 I couldn't deny it I was checking him out for a long time under the light

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A manikin appeared on stage. It was dressed up very elegantly. Jimin started dancing around it while singing the new song. The lyrics caught my attention right away.

"That uninterested face of yours, the bored tip of your toes
Please, look at me now"

He sang the first part of the song and for some reason I felt something different listening to this. The lyrics where already not like the others he had. It sounded way more personal and he looked so passionate singing it.

"Put your phone down, don't even think of turning your head away
Let me know your type
You can pick and choose me, yeah"

As he sang this part he turned his head around to me and looked into my eyes. Just for three seconds but he still did it and smirked. 'Pick and choose me' yeah sure J or Jimin how funny. How many lifes do you have Park Jimin. Even though I wanted to be pissed my face was still burning up. He removed the jacket of the manikin and put it on himself while still dancing and singing. This song had a lot of high notes and I was here for it.

"Oh, I cover your eyes with my hands
Oh, get closer to the secret
I'll take you to a whole new world
Yeah, open your eyes now, go"

He walked forward away from the manikin but his eyes never left me as he sang the 'I'll take you to a whole new world' part.

He walked forward away from the manikin but his eyes never left me as he sang the 'I'll take you to a whole new world' part

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I knew what he meant by that. After this concert everything will change. I didn't knew how we two would end up but it would for sure be something new. A new world. Jimin stopped right in the middle of the stage and the chorus came.

"Mix the colors in the palette, pick your filter
Which me do you want?
The one to change your world, I'm your filter
Overlay me in your heart"

He sang and I was about to collapse right there.
"I want all of you." I said to myself quietly without even realizing. This song was like a serenade. I felt the butterflies in my stomach. Suddenly dancers arrived from the back and started dancing with Jimin.

"Okay, Can you feel it now? Is it still not enough?
Girl, you have your chance
I can be your Genie
How about Aladdin?
I'll be anything
You can pick and choose me, yeah"

Jimin continued with the song now with the dancers. It was for real so magical how he was on stage giving everything and making the fans scream and still looked back at me the whole time. Even if just for seconds. He was even more powerful than before. I couldn't take my eyes of him. After the song was over the crowd was going crazy. No wonder that song was the best I have ever listened to. I leant against the wall and slowly slide down.
"This guy is insane. How on earth is he even real. How couldn't I tell that it was him now it is so obvious." I asked myself frustrated as I held my head with my hands. After watching him out there I realized that there is no other man for me. I can't look at anyone the way I look at him. Only he makes me feel like...like a powerful woman but also a weak as bitch. Only he makes me go crazy. My heart is only beating for him.

 My heart is only beating for him

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