#1 Morning make out

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Y/n Pov:

Time passed really fast. The last 3 years were the best years of my life. I didn't only made it into my dream collage with my best friends but also got to be together with this amazing person. Park Jimin. It's not a secret anymore and we also are not trying to hide our relationship. I am happy to walk around with him, go on dates and be together without anyone trying to separate us.
"Good morning beautiful." And this was my favorite thing in the morning. Waking up next to him.
"Good morning. Did you sleep well?" I answered as I turned toward him in the bed.
"Of course. Because I was next to you." He smiled and answered with his morning raspy voice.

This is so sexy about him and he doesn't even have to try

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This is so sexy about him and he doesn't even have to try.
"Awww." I giggled and gave a pack on his lip.
"Alright enough cuddling. I have collage and you are already late for work like always." I said as I stood up and made myself toward the bathroom.
"Nooooo cuddle me." I heard him fake crying while he was still in bed. I laughed.
"Come on sleepyhead get up." I answered but he just continued the winning. I rolled my eyes playfully and went back to him after I brushed my teeth.
"You are such a baby sometimes." I said as i jumped on him and hugged him tight. He smirked.
"But you like it." He answered and I rolled my eyes again because he was right.
"I love you so much." He whispered into my ear as he pressed his face into my neck and kissed it.
"I love you too." I answered.
"Alright. We are not getting anywhere like this. Get up." I said and get up again. He sighed but also got out of bed. This is how we wake up every single morning. Well whenever he sleeps in my apartment. Some days I have collage in the afternoon so he sleeps at him because he doesn't want to wake me up in the morning. I don't like those days. Waking up without him are always turn out to be bad days. Well sometimes a little alone time is good but I don't like it when I wake up.
"I will go home today." He said out of the blue. As if he heard my thoughts.
"Why? Tomorrow is Friday." I asked confused.
"Yeah but I have parent's evening today so I will be home late." He answered as we were both getting ready. I raised an eyebrow and walked closer to him.
"I don't think I care so your coming to my place." I said as i placed my arms on his shoulder. He bit his lower lip.
"All bossy I see." He smirked and pulled me closer.
"I learned from the best." I answered flirty and went in for a kiss. Just before his lips he leaned to the side and came closer to my ear.
"Well then, tonight I will put you back in your place." He whispered really sexy and shivers run down my back. He let go of me and left the room while fixing his tie without taking an eye of me. What a flirt. But he does it so well. I can't with seriously. I made myself ready and walked after him in the kitchen. He was putting his shoes on at the table. Even that looks hot I really can't with him what the heck. I went to the refrigerator and got his lunch out I made last night.
"Here you go." I placed on the table as I stood above him with my knees touching his. He was still tying his shoes. He looked up and saw me standing there with my short skirt and my legs little open. He chuckled and pulled me on his lap. I placed my hand on his cheeks and placed my lips on his. We made out and suddenly the kiss turned ruff. He grabbed both my hands and placed them behind my back as I was still sitting on him. He held them behind my back and grabbed my neck with his other hand. I could feel his member tighten as I was sitting on his lap. We were making out when his phone suddenly rand. He broke this kiss and looked pissed.
"Seriously I don't have a free moment." He said angrily as he answered the phone.
"You call in the worst moment Hoseok." He said. Oh so it's Hoseok. They work together now. Hoseok also changed school last year and now they are in the same one again.
"Alright give me 10 minutes." He said and hung up.
"What did he want?" I asked and placed my arms around his shoulders.
"I have to go. We have to plan the meeting for the parents." And with that he gently pushed me off of him, grabbed his lunch and ran off. Wow nice now I am alone. I hate this part of the morning. Well I guess we have to go through this so tonight we will see each other again. I already miss him. Anyway I have to get ready to and go to college. I ate my breakfast and made myself ready. The collage was only about 15 minutes away with the car. I finally got my license. Like this it is way easier. When I arrived I got out of the car and just a minute after a car pulled up right next to me. Two tall boys got out of it. Wow they are handsome. But also jerk. Who else could they be other than my two best friends. Taehyung and Hyungwon.

 Taehyung and Hyungwon

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"Ready for collage Mrs

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"Ready for collage Mrs. Park." One of them said and I just rolled my eyes playfully and walked up to them.
"Like always you Alien." I said and threw my arms around them. Another day in my Perfect life.

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