#59 Hate

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Y/n Pov:

I was off my phone the whole day. It was terrible to see all those comments and dms on my phone. But the worse was to see Jimins careers downfall. I never thought fans could be this toxic. It was obvious that they would hate on me if they find my Instagram with pictures of Jimin on it because for them J and Jimin are two different person but that they would even dislike Jimin for something like hat. It just shows how messed up people are. Well this whole situation was messed up. We should really have been more careful. It was so dumb of us. Specially of me. I shouldn't have gone to his company with him. Y/n why are you this stupid. Well the true fans will stay with Jimin so even if this pulls his fame down a bit, he will at least only have his real fans on his side.
"I made some lunch. Well I tried to." Jimin walked inside the bedroom and said with a small laugh.

"Jimin how could you be this calm?" I asked him and all he did was chuckling

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"Jimin how could you be this calm?" I asked him and all he did was chuckling. Alright it was really not funny at this point. This is a huge thing that we do needed to be worried about.
"Why are you laughing? You need to take this serious. The people want to see me dead. Aren't you worried? Aren't you afraid you are going to lose your career?" I kept on asking and this time a bit louder because I was getting frustrated. He was way to calm for a situation like this. He suddenly sighed and his expression changed to a more serious.
"Alright, I am worried. I am worried sick and I am scared that something would happen to you. I am freaking out inside and could explode any minute. My head has been hurting all morning and if I could I would want to disappear for the rest of my life. I just wanted to stay calm so I wouldn't freak you out even more because to be honest...I am scared..." He said the last part really quiet and with a more shaky voice. I stood up and walked closer to him.
"Jimin look at me." I placed my hands on his face and made him look at me. His eyes were already glossy.

"Listen, you don't have to act all strong for me

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"Listen, you don't have to act all strong for me. You are a human too and it completely normal to be worried or scared." I explained and soon after a small tear dropped from his eye. He placed his hand on top of mine and kissed my palm.
"I'm sorry I got you into this. This is the exact reason why I crept it a secret from you. I am so sorry. Please forgive me." He started crying while speaking and covered his face with my hand. I placed my other hand on the back of his head and pulled him closer.
"Baby please don't be sorry. This is for sure a really messed up situation and thinking back at it now I would have done things differently but it is how it is now so we have to deal with it. But let's be here for each other. Let's get through this together. It's not a shame to show how you really feel." I stroked his head while I spoke and placed my forehead on his. He whipped his tears and wrapped his arms around me.
"I love you so much." He said and placed a kiss on my lips.
"I love you too." I answered and for a moment we stood there like that. We needed to help and support each other in these times. We had to be there for each other.
"So like I said I made lunch if you want to eat." He changed the topic and I smiled at him. We made our ways out into the dining room to have something to eat. We didn't eat all day so it was about time. Let's try to forget this situation even if just for a slight second. Let's just try.

Time pass
It was already quiet late and I haven't been on my phone since this morning. I just didn't want to read all the hate and everything else.
"Maybe I should check just for a second. Maybe Taehyung wrote." I convinced myself and got my phone out. I tipped my password in and immediately got shocked as I saw the number of comments, dms and everything else on Instagram.
"I don't even want to check." I thought to myself I just instead went to KaKaoTalk. There were a lot of messages of other friends and classmates of mine but sadly none of Taehyung. I was really disappointed and upset.
"Well it's his decision." I instead went to the chat with Hyungwon because he did message me as well. I opened the chat and saw about 100 new messages.

 I opened the chat and saw about 100 new messages

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09.12 Tell me this is not true!!
09.13 Is that actually you on the pictures??
09.13 Didn't you just recently solve things with Jimin?!
09.54 I'm so angry with you! 😡
10.01 I feel so sorry for you! 😭
10.30 Text me already!
10.55 Are you okay?
11.45 I just saw all the comments omg 😭
13.00 Did you kill yourself? 😱
13.01 No haha let's stop thinking about that 😅
13.33 Answer me!
14.52 Are you okay?
15.13 I am seriously starting to get worried.
16.22 I'm calling the police.
17.45 Alright I didn't call the police.
18.11 HELLOOOOO?!?!?! 😭😭😭

"Oh my god this boy." Just as I was about to text him back I got a new message but from a different person.

18.25 Are you okay?



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