#65 Everyone is crazy

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Y/n Pov:

"If you say so but how else would I be here backstage. Open your eyes." She waved at me with her fingers as she walked by really sassy. I was so pissed again. Did Jimin actually invite her. I really wanted to murder someone at that moment.
"Mr. Park 2 minutes!" Suddenly I heard someone yelling from the other side of the hallway. I quickly ran closer to the voice and saw a lot of people around Jimin, helping him put on his headset.

 I quickly ran closer to the voice and saw a lot of people around Jimin, helping him put on his headset

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"I hope she will like it. I didn't invite her for no reason." He suddenly said and my eyes grew big. So he actually did invite her. I couldn't believe it. Why was I even there. I was about to turn around and walk away but I bumped into someone and fell to the ground.
"What are you doing?! Watch out!" The person yelled at me as he rushed pass me. Rude. I looked after him pissed and held my knee. It hurt a bit.
"Y/n!" Suddenly I heard my name being called and as I looked up, I saw Jimin standing above me. I rolled my eyes.
"Here let me help you." He was about to hold my arm and help me up but I pulled away.
"No need to." I said and stood up by myself.
"I'm so happy to see you here. Listen-" He was about to start but I cut him off with a sarcastic laugh.
"Oh please stop this bullshit already. I had enough of your shit. Why don't you go to the girl you invited huh?" I asked annoyed and he hit his head with his palm frustrated.
"Y/n I'm begging you, please hear me out." He started as I stood there before him pissed but he didn't really have the chance to explain anything.
"Mr. Park we need to go." One of the staff members said and grabbed Jimins shirt.
"No give me one more minute." He said but the guy didn't stop.
"You should be already on stage." The guy added and kept on pulling Jimin away.
"Don't let her leave!" Jimin yelled and I looked confused. Who shouldn't let me leave?
"No problem bro." I heard a familiar voice behind me what made me turn around.
"Jungkook." I said as I saw my brother staring at me with a smile.

" I said as I saw my brother staring at me with a smile

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"I'm not in the mood for this." I said and was about to walk pass him but suddenly he grabbed my arm and threw me on his shoulder.
"Yah! Are you kidding me!? Let me down!" I yelled but he didn't let go and started walking.
"No can do sis." He answered and I was just hanging there confused. Are these men going insane?
"Help! Kidnapping!" I started yelling but everyone who walked by just chuckled. Oh this was funny to everyone. I was so pissed.
"I'm doing this for you." He said as he walked inside a room and finally let me down.
"Bullshit!" I yelled and kicked his leg. He just looked at me blankly.
"That didn't hurt." After that he left the room and closed the door after himself. I rolled my eyes and wanted to leave but as I tried to open the door, I realized that it was locked.
"Oh shut up." I said and kicked the door but no use. It didn't open.
"This really must be a bad joke." I said frustrated as I threw myself on the couch that was inside the room. It looked like I was in a dresser or something. The day couldn't get any worse. I really wanted to know what Jimin had to say before he went on stage. Did he want to talk himself out of everything? Or did he actually have an explanation for everything? I was so curious and now I was sitting here locked inside.
"Jungkook you jerk." I said to myself as I hit the couch I was sitting on. This whole situation was freaking me out. Why wasn't anyone telling me what actually was going on. Taehyung was super weird then Jennie pissed me off then Jimin didn't make me any happier either and now Jungkook is literally keeping me hostage.
"Am I in some kind of drama or so?!" I yelled as I placed a pillow before my face. Suddenly the TV inside the room turned on and I could see Jimin on stage.

 Suddenly the TV inside the room turned on and I could see Jimin on stage

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He was already singing. I rolled my eyes but still listened to him.
"I hate that I love your voice this much." I crossed my arms and just sat there for a while. Even though I was really pissed, I was still enjoying the great songs he was singing. When listening to him, times goes by so fast even though I don't wan to and I want to listen to him forever. It's magical.
"Snap out of it Y/n you are mad right now!" I hit myself back to reality and stood up.
"Alright how am I supposed to get out." I korkend around if I could find anything I could open the door with but all I could find was make up, clothes and hair stuff.
"Great." I sat back down until it hit me.
"Wait a minute." I quickly got back up and ran over to the makeup desk. I opened the drawer.
"Bingo." I said as I found some Bobby pins. I quickly opened the little see through box they were in and in all the hurry everything landed on the ground. As I bent down to get a couple so I could try to open the door, I heard Jimin talking through the TV.
"So as you know there has been some drama around me recently..." He started and I looked up slowly.
"...so now I want to clear things once and for all. Hopefully this next song will show you how I really feel."...


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