#52 Mean witch

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Y/n Pov:

After I spoke with Hyungwon I really felt bad. Taehyung wanted to tell me the good news and I was being a brat. What has gotten into me? Why was I so rude and a jerk? I really had to talk to him so I got out of bed right away and made myself ready to leave. Hyungwon told me that Tae was in college only for the first class and then he left to tell me the good news. I drove over to his house and parked the car before the door. From the outside I could already tell that he was at home because loud music was playing . I got of the car and went to knock on the door. It did take him a while to open because he couldn't hear the bell because of the music. As soon as the door opened Taehyung expression turned dark.

It's almost seemed like he was expecting someone else to stand there

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It's almost seemed like he was expecting someone else to stand there.
"What do you want?" He asked me harshly and for a second I had no words. He was really pissed.
"I just came to clear things up. That was all a misunderstanding." I tried to explain but all he did was chuckle annoyed.
"Misunderstanding? For real? Y/n everything has to be about you all the time. You always make sure to get what you want without caring about anyone else. For example the concert. I told you so many times that I don't want to get it trouble, I don't want to go backstage. You didn't care and literally pulled me with yourself. And if this wasn't enough, afterwards you left me there confused." He hissed at me and I just stood there not really knowing what to say or how to deal with his words. Was I really that selfish? Was it that wrong of me at that moment to think about myself and my relationship?
"Taehyung I was trying to sort things out with my boyfriend. I know it wasn't right of me to not text you afterwards but that was an important situation. You didn't get in any trouble because you see, I was right. It was him and I'm really thankful that you helped me. I thought you would understand and try to help me because I would do the same if you were in a situation like that." I explained and tried to make him understand that he's really important to me and friends help each other in situations of need. He didn't really seem to understand my point. He looked like he could explode.
"Yeah sure I am supposed to help you if you have problems with your relationship but when I finally find someone you try to separate us. And why? Because my attention is not only focused on you anymore? Selfish." He continued while his voice was getting louder and louder. At this point I couldn't understand him anymore.
"No that's not true. I wasn't trying to ruin anything for you. I'm happy your happy it's just... I felt like you were avoiding us and also. Jennie didn't really make a good first impression so-" Just as I was coming to the important part he cut me off again.
"Stop talking like this about her. You know nothing. Why does it bother you that much that someone I like finally likes me back. I'm not going to stay miserable just because you rejected me." As he said the last sentence I finally realised. Now everything made sense. He was still holding onto everything that happened back then.
"Tae... Of course I don't want you to be miserable or alone or whatever. I want you to be happy and that's why I'm trying to make sure that the person you're choosing is also choosing you." I spoke and for some reason I saw a little spark go through his eyes. He lowered his head and didn't look at me anymore.

What was he only thinking about? "You should leave

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What was he only thinking about?
"You should leave." Was all he said and I was speechless.
"But-" I tried to talk to him. I tried to convince him but no use.
"Leave." And after this one last sentence, he slammed the door right before my face. Maybe he needed time right now. Maybe I should just actually leave him alone. Great. Once again a stupid fight with my best friend. I hate this. I don't want this.
"What are you doing here?" Suddenly I heard a girl's voice behind me what made me turn around. Oh great she was the last person I wanted to see now.
"Jennie. Hi...

I was just about to go

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I was just about to go." I was about to walk past her but she stopped me.
"Yeah I thought so. I don't want you to to have an eye on my boyfriend." My eyes grew big by what she said. Boyfriend? Since when? And why the hell was she so mean again.
"You don't have to worry about something like that. Taehyung is my best friend nothing else." Once again I tried to leave but she wouldn't stop talking.
"Listen. I know you have known each other for quite some time now, but I don't give a shit about that. We are in a relationship now so please leave him alone. I don't want you near him anymore and I guess he's not really wanting to talk to you either at the moment." This little evil witch. I couldn't believe my ears. How could a person be so bitchy.
"Oh don't worry I will leave." And with an annoyed glare I walked pass her. Oh Taehyung you will realize soon enough what you got yourself into.

 Oh Taehyung you will realize soon enough what you got yourself into

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