#24 Your brother?!

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Y/n Pov:

The next couple of days went by really fast. Jin started to hang out with us and now we were four idiots at once. I never thought he would have the same humor as us. A weird alien just like us. He seemed more like the chill and serious type before. Well not after that evening at his place. Taehyung also started to like him. They were both car freaks so you can guess the everyday topic they had. I did also visit him the next day after college and finally we managed to make the pie. We had no distraction. It really did taste amazing. He wasn't lying he is a great cook a baker. We did get more close to each other. Well I don't think you can get even closer to someone after the jacuzzi day but we learned more about each other and we're now quiet close. Weird that someone can because so close with you in just couple of days. Well he wasn't the first person actually. But never mind. It was already Friday but the day passed so slow. We couldn't wait until Tomorrow. The concert was so near. I was freaking out inside. My first ever concert and I actually love the artist so it has to be amazing.
"Guys I don't think I will be able to sleep tonight. The only thing I can think about is the concert." Taehyung started really excited.

"I won't be sleeping because Rose will come too

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"I won't be sleeping because Rose will come too. My heart is beating so fast." Hyungwon added to Taehyungs statement. How cute, he was nervous.
"It will be great. She will like it." I answered and he gave me a small smile.
"I am so glad you invited me guys. It will be so much fun." Jin gave us all a warm smile and so did we as well.
"Actually I invited you. Just saying." I said as I brought my index finger up in the air. Taehyung rolled his eyes.
"You got yourself into something my boy." Taehyung placed his arm around Jin's arm and told him fake worried. Jin laughed.
"I knew that from the begging." He said and gave me a smirk.
"Haha very funny. We are leaving." I grabbed Jin's arm and pulled him away from the two boys.
"See you tomorrow!" They yelled after us and we waved. Finally the day was almost over. I couldn't wait until tomorrow.
"You are freaking out." Jin told me as we walked up to my car. I tried to hide my excitement and look cool but I guess he figured it out.
"Of course I am freaking out. For the past two weeks his songs were the only ones I listened to. I can't wait to see and hear him in real life. He is also such a crazy dancer. I am sure he knows how to party." Now I was really freaking out because I was holding t I the whole day. Jin chuckled.

"At the end he will steal you from me

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"At the end he will steal you from me." He said with a smirk and laid his arm around my shoulder. I blushed a little.
"Maybe he will." I smirked back and also winked. We both laughed and sat insid my car. At college we decided to go to my place for the night. It is easier for Taehyung tomorrow to pick us up. He doesn't need to drive to two locations. Well maybe it was also just an excuse to be alone with Jin. I drove to my apartment and we both went inside. This is his first time here. To be honest I did clean up the day before. I am kind of a messy person but obviously he doesn't have to know that.
"Cute. You have a good taste." He said as he looked around in my small apartment. It did look really cosy and I felt really at home here.
"Thanks. My brother helped me. You should see his apartment. It's ten times bigger than this." I added and he chuckled.
"Why is he in Mafia or something?" He joked.
"No he is the owner of BigHit." I simply said it as if it would be something normal. Jin stopped walking and looked at me confused.
"Yeah sure and I am prince charming." He added not believing me at all.
"He really is. Leon Jungkook is my brother and yes you are." I winked at him but he was still just confused.
"Oh come on just because you have the same last name you want me to believe this." He laughed and I rolled my eyes. I went into my room and came out with a framed picture. It was me and Jungkook about 6 years ago at my mom's birthday. I held it before Jin's face and his yawn dropped.

 I held it before Jin's face and his yawn dropped

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"Shut up. Jeon Jungkook is your brother?!" He yelled.
"Yeah this is the reaction everyone has at first. But if you meet him, you know that he is just a weird kid." I explained and Jin was still just standing there.
"Why are that speechless. You wanna become am idol or something? Want me to talk toy brother?" I asked as I walked back into my room and started to change in some more comfortable clothes.
"Oh no I wanna become a cook but still it is quiet surprising." He said from outside. Well he was right but obviously for me it was nothing new.
"Yeah and my ex is his best friend." I added and just then regretted it.
"Well that is something I didn't want to know." He answered. Obviously. Stupid Y/n. Stop talking about him. How long will it take to completely forget about him. Probably forever...

 Probably forever

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