#42 Violent

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Y/n Pov:

I just sat there in silence as Jimin was holding his head in anger and walking up and down.
"Jimin we were broken up." I quietly told him and that made him stop walking and he looked over to me angry. Once again he stepped closer and I leant back on the couch. He was really acting insane and I was frightened.
"You broke up with me Y/n!" Jimin screamed and now I got angry as well. I stood up and pointed my finger at him.
"And you just left without even trying to convince me otherwise! You lied!" I kept on yelling and by now his face was turning really red because of the anger inside of him. The next moment his hand was wrapped around my neck and he pushed me back down on the couch.

"I lied to protect you how many times do I have to say that?! Do you think I didn't want to grab you and tell you how much I want to stay with you?! How long are you going to throw this to my head?! I know I fucked up!" He yelled while I wasn't ev...

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"I lied to protect you how many times do I have to say that?! Do you think I didn't want to grab you and tell you how much I want to stay with you?! How long are you going to throw this to my head?! I know I fucked up!" He yelled while I wasn't even able to breath because of the shock. Was this how the real Park Jimin actually was? Have I been completely blinded by his love that I blocked this side of him out? He wasn't choking me so I wouldn't be able to breath but his strong grip still hurt me a lot.
"You slut." As he said this sentence my eyes widened. So this is what he was thinking of me. That I was a slut. With a hard push I managed to push him off of me and ran straight into the bathroom. I locked the door and slid down on the door. How could he say something like that to me. Hurt me this bad. As I sat there not believing what just happened, I felt my eyes getting filled with water and my tears started to roll down my cheeks. How could we end up like that? After we finally made up yesterday. I felt like a peace of useless shit sitting there. Everything was making me sad and angry at the same time. My emotions were all over the place. I pulled my knees up and rested my head on them exhausted. My sobbing was getting louder so I buried my face into my knees so he wouldn't hear me. That was not the Park Jimin I knew. I didn't fall in love with that person.

Jimin Pov:

Y/n locked herself inside the bathroom while I was just standing around outside and trying to somehow control myself. The anger inside of me was driving me crazy so much that it even frightened me.
"Fuck!!" I punched the wall as I screamed. This whole shit was so frustrating. How could she do that. We were broken up that's true. But only after a day or so she was already in someone else's bed. That must be a joke. I was so pissed. As I was leaning against the wall suddenly I heard some weird noises coming from the bathroom. I walked closer to it and pressed my ear against the door. It were Y/n's sobbs. I breathed out loud and leant my head against the door.

 I breathed out loud and leant my head against the door

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"Y/n open the door." I said with a quiet amd soft voice hoping I could make her open the door but I wasn't sure if she even heard me. Her cries were really loud. I started to get more angry at myself than her for making her cry like that.
"Please open the door." I repeated this time a little louder so she would for sure hear me.
"L-leave me alone. You hurt me." I could hear her shaky voice answer and it made my heart break. Great Park Jimin. You fucked up again. I felt so bad.
"Y/n please. I won't touch you, I swear. Let's just talk like normal people." I begged but got no answer and the door also didn't open. For a couple of minutes I stayed there before the door and waited for her but she wouldn't come out.
"I guess I really did scare her." I told myself as I walked back to the couch and sat down frustrated.
"Park Jimin you have to get your anger issues under control. For real now I will completely scare her off like that." I spoke really frustrated and covered my face with my arm as I laid back on the couch. For some reason I was really getting tired with the situation and somehow managed to fall asleep on the couch without even moving another muscle. It was only lunch time but everything got to me so bad that I just couldn't keep my eyes open for another second.

I woke up what felt like minutes later but as I looked at my watch, I realized that I have been sleeping for hours. The bathroom door was now open and the lights in the bedroom were on. I got up and made my way towards the door of the bedroom just to see the back of Y/n facing me while she was doing something. My beg was on the bed and she was putting all my clothes in it and zipping the bag up. I knew what she was up to.
"Y/n let's talk about this. I don't want to leave again." I told her almost with teary eyes but she didn't react to me at all.

All she did was turn her head towards me and look me dead in the eyes

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All she did was turn her head towards me and look me dead in the eyes. My heartbeat stopped for a second as I looked at her face. Her whole face was bruised and her nose was bleeding. I couldn't believe my eyes.
"You did this to me." She spoke quietly. What?...


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