#44 My Idol

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Alright guys, so basically I quit my job and was looking for a new one the whole time. That's why I wasn't posting it was just so much stress. I'm really sorry. I still couldn't find a new job that I actually like but I am not that stressed anymore so here is the new chapter. Sorry again.


Y/n Pov:

"When he fucked you...did you finish?" This question took me by surprise first but to be honest I was happy he asked. You want to know why?
"Yes." The moment I answered his eyes turned dark and I was turned around on the ground. He pulled my ass high up by my waist and grabbed my arm tightly. So you really want to know why?
"Did he ever touch you like that?" He asked aggressively and ripped my panty off my body.
"No." I answered and soon my hair was grabbed and he pulled my head back.
"Good answer." He replied. That's why. Suddenly I was pulled hard against his member.
"Ahh." I let out a quiet scream but not because I was scared or anything. When we are doing it then I want him to be like that. That's how I love it.
"Did he ever make you feel like I do?" Once again he asked and this time pressed his hard dick deep into my tight hole.
"Motherf-." I was about to start but it was so hard and deep in me that I couldn't even speak.
"Answer me." Jimin asked again as he pulled out and pressed in once again. The pleasure started to grow insane as he moved himself inside of me. It felt like I was on cloud nine.

 It felt like I was on cloud nine

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"No...never." I spoke inbetween moans.
"Good." He stopped with the questions and started to move in and out faster and I was almost fainting because of the amazing feeling going throug my body. My back was arched so much that my chest was all the way on the ground so he was hitting the perfect spot. Every time he got deep it felt like I could explode any second. Without stopping just for a slight second he got faster and his breathing started to get heavier.

 Without stopping just for a slight second he got faster and his breathing started to get heavier

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My moans turned into screams and my legs were already shaking. It was so hard to keep myself still at that one position.
"Did his dick make you scream that much?" After this question he pressed so deep into me that I could only answer in a scream.
"Ahhh-no." After I said that my eyes closed and my breathing because deeper.
"C-can I?..." I asked out of breath while he was grabbing my ass harshly.
"Yes." After his answer, his grip on my ass loosened and he moved his hand down to my center where he was fucking me. His finger was placed on my clit and he slowly started moving in a circle and placed a lot of pressure on it. That made me almost choke on air. In like a second everything because silent and a huge pleasure went through whole body. I could feel it even in the tip of my fingers. This pleasure lasted for what it felt like forever. I have never felt this axing ever in my life. Soon after I finished, I could hear his moans becoming louder and heavier and soon after a warm liquid filled me up from the inside. He gave me one last press before collapsing to the floor next to me.
"That was insane." He spoke really out of breath and that made me giggle next to him.
"Fuck I was never this out of breath before." As he said this I lifted my head up a little and looked at him seriously.
"Why is it that you can swear but I can't?" I asked with a lifted eyebrow and that made him chuckle.
"I just like to punish you." He gave me a little smirk and I blushed a bit. That little pervert. Park Jimin please get your shit together because whatever you do I wouldn't be able to leave you so don't mess me up please.
"We should eat something. It's like 4pm or something." Jimin spoke as he slowly got up with shaky legs. I had to laugh as I saw him almost limping for a towel.
"Look who is all shaky now." I made fun of him as he was just rolling his eyes.
"What can I say. That pussy is to good." He winked at me and I cringed so bad.
"Eww." I said and we both chuckled. This was always how it was going. We fight, then apologize and then have sex. I just hoped from now on things would actually change and we would be able to deal with our problems without them exploding in a huge fight like before. I trusted Jimin. Some may think that I am dumb after everything that happened but I love him and love is not easy so I was ready to fight. Fight with him together and not against him. We got dressed again and made our selves into the kitchen to cook something simple.
"Can you prepare boiling water?" I asked him and he did so after a nod. We only made some ramen with boiled eggs and kimchi. Nothing special but very tasty.
"Tomorrow you are going to work right?" I asked him as we were sitting at the table eating.
"Yeah but I only have 3 classes. After that I have rehearsal. The next concert is next weekend." He explained while chewing on the ramen.

" He explained while chewing on the ramen

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"Oh alright." I simply said not really knowing what else to say. What do you say when your superstar boyfriend just announced his new concert. I was a bit lost.
"You are coming right?" Jimin asked with a smile as he finished his food.
"I guess... I mean...sure." For some odd reason I was stuttering while I answered. This was still so new to me.
"Don't be nervous. You will enjoy it." He gave me a warm smile and so did I. Now I was really looking forward to seeing him on stage again. My idol.

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